
  • 网络Sargeras
  1. 或者说萨格拉斯在玩伏地魔的把戏来确保他的回归?

    Or is Sargeras pulling a Lord Voldemort trick to ensure his return ?

  2. 这个时候,伊利丹已经得到了一个强大的神器:萨格拉斯之眼。

    By the time they confronted illidan , however , he had already retrieved a magical artifact : the eye of sargeras .

  3. 我还是喜欢从前剧情里的描写萨格拉斯是个悲剧性的反面角色。

    I liked the old story of sargereas where he was a tragic villain .

  4. 尽管他轻易的杀死了萨格拉斯的肉身,但萨格拉斯的灵魂借机进入了艾格文的身体并潜伏下来。

    Although she easily slays his physical form , Sargeras'spirit secretly enters Aegwynn 's body and hibernates inside of her .

  5. 在年轻的守护者毫不知情的情况下,萨格拉斯将在她灵魂的黑暗面中潜伏很长时间。

    Unbeknownst to the young Guardian , Sargeras would remain cloaked within the darkest recesses of her soul for many long years .

  6. 他(伊利丹)利用萨格拉斯之眼的力量令墓穴坍塌,让海水漫延进来,把看守者团团围住。

    He used the power of the Eye to collapse that section of the tomb , flooding the area with water and trapping the Watchers .

  7. 当萨格拉斯的疯狂吞噬了他最后的一点高贵的灵魂之后,他开始认为泰坦才是导致造物失败的罪魁祸首。

    By the time Sargeras madness had consumed the last vestiges of his valiant spirit , he believed that the Titans themselves were responsible for creations failure .

  8. 于是他准备用从古尔丹的记忆中得到的知识去寻找萨格拉斯之墓并得到黑暗泰坦的遗物。

    Using the knowledge he had gained from Gul'dan 's memories , Illidan decided to seek out the Tomb of Sargeras and claim the Dark Titan 's remains .

  9. 萨格拉斯在看到他的部队已经足够强大、并且对他的所有命令都绝对服从之后,率领他的大军进入了无边的黑暗。

    Once Sargeras saw that his armies were amassed and ready to follow his every command , he launched his raging forces into the vastness of the great dark .

  10. 据他了解,这里发生的事情现在也没有相关的人群中保存及其盟国将要到他的主来买战锤黄金萨格拉斯分心。

    He understood that what happened here now had no relevance save that the mortals and their allies would be distracted until the coming of his Lord buy warhammer gold Sargeras .

  11. 虽然萨格拉斯在最近的冲突中通过燃烧军团理所当然地代替了他们的重要地位,但是他们在艾泽拉斯历史的部分可以追述到很久很久以前。

    Their part in Azeroth 's history lies far , far back in time , although Sargeras has of course taken a more active role in recent conflicts through the Burning Legion .

  12. 他们没有忘记他曾是萨格拉斯的仆人,不相信他发誓那样做只是为了获得足够的力量来对付燃烧军团。

    They had not forgotten that he had chosen to serve sargeras , and they did not believe him when he swore he had done so only to gain sufficient power to defeat the legion .

  13. 一位粉丝问道:在《魔兽争霸:最后的守护者》中说道,艾格文杀死的萨格拉斯的尸体只是一个化身,这是否意味着萨格拉斯的真身依旧游荡在外?

    Medievaldragon : A fan asked : The body of Sargeras that Aegwynn killed was said to be an avatar in Warcraft : The Last Guardian , does this mean that Sargeras'real body is still out there somewhere ?