
  • 网络Electrical technology;electric technology;electrotechnology
  1. 降低氯碱行业电耗的电气技术

    Electrical technology for power consumption reduction in chlor-alkali industry

  2. 论文系统阐述了地铁列车牵引电气技术集成的设计。

    The design of traction electrical technology integration for metro car is described systematically .

  3. 起动/发电技术是当今航空电气技术发展的重要方向,基于DSP控制的电励磁双凸极起动/发电机系统具有良好的应用前景。

    The starter / generator technology is an important developing direction of the electric aircraft system . Doubly salient electro-magnetic starter / generator ( DSES / G ) based on digital signal processing ( DSP ) control has good application prospect .

  4. 龙门刨电气技术改造研究

    Research on Technological Transforming of Electrical Control System on Double-Column Planner

  5. 电气技术在铝电解阳极效应熄灭中应用的探讨

    Discussion on electric technique applied in extinguishing aluminum electrolysis anode effect

  6. 电气技术在现代有了飞速发展。

    The electric technology made a rapid progress in modern times .

  7. GB/T6988.2-1997电气技术用文件的编制第2部分:功能性简图

    Preparation of documents used in electrotechnology-Part 2 : Function-oriented diagrams

  8. GB/T7159-1987电气技术中的文字符号制订通则

    General rules for the formulation of letter symbols in electrotechnology

  9. 烟气轮机机组电气技术问题的探讨

    A discussion on electrotechnical problems of flue gas expander train

  10. 舞阳钢铁公司轧钢厂立辊主传动系统全数字化电气技术改造

    The reformation of primary transmission of the erect roller in WUYANG STEEL COMPANY

  11. 新一代建筑电气技术的发展趋势

    Developing Trend of New Generation of Building Electric Technology

  12. 我校电气技术专业教改试点的办学特色

    The Characteristic of the Teaching Reform of the Trial Major Undertaken by the Electrical Department

  13. 滩海石油工程电气技术规范GB/T5094-1985电气技术中的项目代号

    Technical code for electric installation of petroleum engineering in beach-shallow sea Item designation in electrotechnology

  14. 140tLF炉电气技术参数确定及功率圆图分析

    Analysis With the Power Diagram and Make Decision of the Electric Technical Data for 140t Ladle Furnace

  15. 欧洲电气技术标准化委员会

    European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization

  16. 该公司经验丰富的装配和电气技术人员以能够生产出最好的产品而自豪。

    Technidrill 's skilled assembly and electrical technicians take great pride in producing the best possible product .

  17. 所以电气技术人员的工作就离不开万用表、示波器等测量仪器以及电气工程手册和计算器。

    Therefore , electrical technicians work is inseparable from the multimeter , oscilloscope and other measuring instruments , electrical engineering manuals and a calculator .

  18. 结合我校办学方针,将电气技术专业特点定位在以强电为主,强电和弱电相合。

    Combined with the teaching principles of our school , the text puts the Electric technology specialty on strong electron , assisted by weak electron .

  19. 比例电磁铁是机电一体化系统中连接电气技术和机械技术的重要电气&机械转换器,其性能优劣对电控机械元件及系统性能有着重大的影响。

    Proportional solenoid is an important electric-mechanical converter which combines electrical and mechanical technique , its performance has great influence on the electrically-controlled mechanical components and system performance .

  20. 认为等电位联结是一项十分重要的电气技术措施,应更充分地发挥它在建筑电气中的保护性和功能性作用。

    The author believes that equipotential bonding is an important measure of electrical technology and its protective and functional roles should be given full play to building electricity .

  21. 我院将现代电气技术精品课程群的建设作为教学改革的突破口,收到了良好的效果。

    Our academy regards the construction of Top-quality Course Group of modern electric technology as the key of the reform in education , and have received the good result .

  22. 总体来看,这一指标体系有具体可行的评价标准,为电气技术应用专业教师培训及其他专业师资培训评价提供了参考。

    In conclusion , the index system of assessment have particular feasible standards , providing a reference for the electric technology application teachers ' and other teachers ' training assessment .

  23. 为了安装和维护该系统,大学的培训,而且,他们正在接受施耐德电气技术支持中心的支持。

    To install and maintain the system , SFIA electricians were trained by Schneider electric 's powerlogicuniversity , and they use Schneider electric 's technical support center for ongoing support .

  24. 根据船舶电气技术的发展,阐述了船舶报警系统,监视与控制系统及电能质量的测量与控制的最新趋势。

    The paper is focused on new tendencies concerning alarm , monitoring and control systems and power quality measurements and control in ships in the light of the development of marine electrotechnology .

  25. 一个重要的优点是机械、电气技术的结合将会大大地简化平面电机绘图系统的结构和制造工艺,因而降低了成本。

    One important advantage is that the combination of mechanical and electrical technology will greatly simplify the construction of planar motor drafting system and manufacturing technology and thereby reduce the production cost .

  26. 现代建筑电气技术不仅拥有广阔的市场,而且已构成稳定的产业链,并将在智能化、数字化与绿色化的发展过程中达到新的高度。

    Modern architecture electric technology not only possesses mass commercial market but it has formed stable industry chain as well . It will reach high level in the intelligential , digital and green environment development process .

  27. 介绍了中国铝业青海分公司针对目前铝电解阳极效应熄灭时存在的不足之处,应用相关的电气技术改进装置,解决所存在的问题的新技术方案。

    This article , targeting the shortcomings existed in extinguishing aluminum electrolysis anode effect made by Qinghai Branch of China 's Aluminum Industry , introduces the new technical manner to solve the problems through electric technique improvement .

  28. 这位微软研究人员表示,该组织回顾了科学史,考察了电气技术和航空技术等当时全新技术的引入,没有发现这种全行业努力的先例。

    The Microsoft researcher said the group had looked back through the history of science , to the introduction of sweeping new technologies such as electricity and human flight , and not found any precedents for the industry-wide effort .

  29. 电信号的测量、计算、分析和研究是电气技术人员工作的主要内容,在电气技术人员的工作过程中还需要经常查询电气资料供参考。

    Electrical signal measurement , calculation , analysis and research are the main content that electrical technician to work . Of course , electrical technicians in the course of their work also need to regularly check electrical information for reference .

  30. 系统地阐述了电力工业和电气技术在可持续发展中的作用,提出在国民经济的发展中,只有更聪明地应用电力和更广泛地应用电力,才能获得环境和经济效益。

    Expounding systematically the function of power industry and electric technique in sustainable development , pointing out that only by applying electric power more " brightly " and more " broadly " can the environmental benefit and economical benefit be obtained .