
  • 网络payment platform
  1. 如果你家每月为手机和付费电视支付200美元,一年就要花掉2400美元。

    If your family spends $ 200 a month on cellphones and pay TV , that 's $ 2,400 a year .

  2. 本周四报道,窃取了HBO数据的黑客最近泄露了一封邮件,内容是美国有线电视愿意支付25万美元的“漏洞发现金”。

    The hackers behind HBO 's recent data breach have leaked an email in which the U.S. cable channel offered them $ 250000 as a ' bounty payment , ' it was reported Thursday .

  3. 根据Variety报道,这些消息是HBO旗下的时代华纳有线电视公司主动支付“赎金”作为正义的黑客找到网络漏洞的奖励金。而该电视公司播放的就是《权利的游侠》剧集。

    The message from HBO , the Time Warner Inc cable unit that broadcasts ' Game of Thrones , ' offers the money as part of a program in which ' white-hat professionals ' are rewarded for identifying cyber security flaws , according to Variety .

  4. 虽然Aereo的运作也需要该系统,但它自己的一系列小天线允许客户收看电视而无需支付有线或卫星电视转播费。

    While Aereo works around that system , it has its own array of tiny antennas that allow customers to watch TV without having to pay for cable or satellite and thus , without having to pay for those retransmission fees .

  5. 由于使用有线电视或卫星电视网络要支付高额的费用,拥有这类资源的各家企业对于不断降低的保证金标准现在尚可接受,但这种局面绝不会一直持续下去。

    Cable and satellite operators have tolerated the shrinking margins that come with higher carriage fees so far , but will not do so for ever .