
  1. 能从事广告片、资料片、宣传片、电视剧、文艺节目后期的声音制作,我们能提供最专业的服务。

    And it provides professional services of sound production involving commercials , propagandas , soap operas and entertainment shows .

  2. 电视文艺晚会的节目质量不高,其主要原因之一是对构成晚会的要素策划不够充分。

    The low quality of a TV entertainment program can be a result of inadequate planning concerning the consisting entertainment elements .

  3. 电视综艺娱乐类节目,是中国电视文艺节目在发展过程中不断进行裂变和聚合的产物。

    TV variety show is the product of fission and convergence of Chinese TV programs of entertainment during the developing process .

  4. 由(中国)中央电视台录制的长达1小时的电视专题文艺节目将会有约9百万人观看。

    And an hour-long television special recorded by CCTV in China was to be seen by an estimated nine million people .