
tóng xiù
  • the stink of money;profits-before-everything mentality;profit-seeking spirit;profit-before-everything mentality
铜臭 [tóng xiù]
  • [the stink of money;profit-before-everything mentality] 铜制品上的一种气味,铜钱上的臭味,讽刺只看重金钱,不重人情的人

铜臭[tóng xiù]
  1. 沾满铜臭的谋职教育说到底是人力的教育而不是人的教育,严重扭曲了教育的本质。

    Vocational education is not man education , but that of manpower .

  2. 敢问,现在的人们是在结婚,还是在秀铜臭?

    Now people are dared in marriage , or place in the show ?

  3. 教皇哀叹:圣诞染铜臭

    Pope : Christmas Polluted by Consumerism

  4. 如果你不嫌我现在满身铜臭,就交我这个朋友。

    I thought if you never enough , in itself , on the eve of my friends .

  5. 我和你谈话是因为我想和一个朴实的、没有被铜臭熏染的人聊聊!

    I speak to you because I want to talk to a natural man , unspoiled by money .

  6. 我知道小鱼儿把美人鱼当做了一个梦想中的精神家园,不想让这个家园商业化,变成一个充满铜臭的地方。

    I know Mermaid Xiaoyuer regard as the spiritual home of a dream , do not let this home business , become a mercenary place .

  7. 如果说高盛集团带着一股充满铜臭的嚣张气焰,麦肯锡公司则让人感到一种智识的傲慢&后者引发粗俗反应的能力跟前者不分伯仲。

    If Goldman reeks of moneyed arrogance , McKinsey reeks of intellectual arrogance & the latter capable of producing just as visceral a response as the former .

  8. 面对她的作品,你感受不到丝毫铜臭的浮躁和媚俗,它让你如置身异境但却并不陌生,他让你认真欣赏艺术、严肃地思考问题。

    Facing her works , you will feel not the least impetuous and vulgar , letting you in somewhere unknown but not feeling unfamiliar , letting you appreciate the art and seriously think .