
  • 网络Copper zone;COPPER AREA
  1. 贫铜区受到腐蚀是晶间腐蚀的根源。

    The corrosion of poor Cu area is the root of intergranular corrosion .

  2. 电池效率与高浓度Cu2S层厚度(结深)成正比,与铜过渡区厚度成反比。

    The experimental formulae of Cu2S / CdS solar cell efficiency and the high density Cu2S layer thickness ( junction depth xj ) were thus derived .

  3. 根据真菌漆酶铜结合区保守的氨基酸序列设计简并引物,扩增Trametessp.420基因组,结合长距离反向PCR(LD-IPCR),成功获得新型漆酶同工酶基因lacE。

    A novel laccase gene ( lacE ) was cloned from the genomic DNA isolated from Trametes sp. 420 , using the degenerate primers based on the conserved copper-binding regions in fungal laccases . Long distance-inverse PCR ( LD-IPCR ) was used to amplify the flanking sequences of the gene .

  4. 漆酶是木质素生物合成途径的关键酶,其高度保守的铜离子结合区以及N末端糖基化位点使利用同源克隆技术成为可能。

    Laccase is one of key enzymes involved in lignin biosynthesis pathway . Homology-based cloning method is available with the highly conserved copper-binding sites for each of the ligand residues and conserved potential N-linked glycosylation sites in laccases . The homology between C.

  5. 5-6铜离子结合区缺失,细胞铜转运功能停滞。

    When 5-6 copper-binding domains were deleted , copper transport stopped .

  6. 地质异常理论在找矿靶区优选与评价中的应用&以新疆305项目《阿其克布拉克-梧桐沟-带金铜成矿靶区优选与评价》为例

    Application of Geological Anomalies Theory to the Preference and Evaluation of Ore-search Target

  7. 铜尾矿污染区土壤酶活性研究

    Enzyme activities in soils contaminated by abandoned copper tailings

  8. 德兴大型铜金矿集区构造环境和成矿流体研究进展

    Study on the tectonic setting and ore forming fluids of Dexing large ORE-CONCENTRATING area , northeast Jiangxi Province

  9. 内蒙古额勒根斑岩型钼(铜)矿化区辉钼矿铼-锇同位素年龄及地质意义

    Re-Os isotopic age dating of molybdenite separates from Elegen porphyry Mo ( Cu ) mineralized area , northwestern Alxa , western Inner Mongolia

  10. 综合分析查定了钴镍在该铜钴矿化区的赋存状态主要有:①钴镍以含钴的镍黄铁矿产出;

    The results show that the occurrence states of cobalt and nickel in the complex cobalt ores are existence as : ① cobalt-bearing pentlandite ;

  11. 金山金矿位于我国著名的德兴铜金矿集区内,是一个与韧性剪切带有关的金矿床。

    The Jinshan gold deposit hosted in the ductile shear zone is located in the well_known Dexing copper_gold concentration district , northeast Jiangxi Province .

  12. 铜陵地区是世界上典型的矽卡岩铜金矿集区之一,是一个有三千多年开采历史的有色多金属矿区。

    Tongling mine area is one of the typical skarn type Cu-Au Mining district in the World , which has been exploited for 3 - thousand-year .

  13. 阐述了在铜矿化集中区,典型铜矿床研究、铜矿成矿作用地球化学研究、成矿机制及成矿模式研究等方面的最新进展。

    The discussion is concentration on the new development of studies on the typical copper deposits , ore-forming geochemistry , ore-forming mechanism and metallogenetic model of copper deposits .

  14. 贵州火山岩型铜矿主要分布于西部的峨眉山玄武岩地区,该区域为贵州省最大的铜元素异常区,有比较好的成矿地质条件。

    The volcanic type copper deposit of Guizhou mainly distributes in the region of Emeishan basalt , which is the biggest copper anomalous areas and possess superior mineralizing geological conditions .

  15. 文章研究了国内全部铜、镍矿区的储量和品位数据,首次提出应以矿区的矿石类型为储量和品位的统计单元,论述了铜、镍资源储量在不同品位区间的分布特征。

    On the base of all the copper and nickel reserves and grades data up to the end of2002 , it is point out that ore types should be regarded as statistic unit of reserve and grade for the first time .

  16. 其中前者的块状硫化物型铅锌、铁、铜矿床和后者中的斑岩型铜钼矿为区内找矿的主攻类型。

    Molybdenum , copper , lead-zinc , gold and silver deposits related to Mesozoic volcanic-intrusive hydrothermal m.s. The massive sulphide , lead-zinc , iron , copper deposits of the former and the porphyry copper-molybdenum deposits of the latter are the main ore types in the region . 3 .

  17. 新疆北部铜成矿远景(区)带地球化学特征

    Geochemical characteristics of copper mineralization prospect zone ( region ) in the northern Xinjiang

  18. 为进一步研究新疆北部铜成矿远景(区)带,提供了地球化学依据。

    The study gives geochemical data for further study of Cu-mineralization prospect ( restons ) zones in the northem Xinjiang .

  19. 摘要大兴安岭北部地区是原始森林、沼泽覆盖和冻土区,也是我国重要的金、铜多金属成矿区。

    The northern Daxinganling area , covered by primeval forest , marsh and frozen earth , is one of the most important regions for Au-Cu polymetallic metallogensis .

  20. 云南兰坪北部铜多金属矿化区成矿流体流动与矿化分带&流体包裹体和稳定同位素依据

    Migration of Ore-forming Fluids and Its Relation to Zoning of Mineralization in Northern Lanping Cu-polymetallic Metallogenic Area , Yunnan Province : Evidence from Fluid Inclusions and Stable Isotopes

  21. 为了将接触线与滑板的磨耗降到最低,铜合金接触导线区宜采用碳滑板。

    In order to reduce the wear of the contact line and the contact strip to the least , the area of copper alloy contact wire should adopt carbon contact strip .

  22. 安徽省铜陵市位于长江中下游铁铜成矿带,区内富集大量铁、铜、硫、金矿产。

    Tongling located at middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River where there is an iron and copper metallogenic belt , and the area is rich in iron , copper , sulfur and gold mine .

  23. 实验结果表明:正极区几乎没有金属铜滴的存在,大量金属铜向阴极区富集迁移,最高富集率达到80%以上。

    The results showed that lots of copper drops concentrated on cathode but only minute quantity of copper drop on anode , and the maximum rate of concentration were above 80 % .

  24. 由于铜在CdS层中的梯度变化和铜在结区扩散的宽度,认为CuxS-CdS是一个缓变结,衰降的CuxS-CdS太阳电池有较宽的铜扩散区。

    Our experiment and analysis prove that Cu_xS-CdS heterojunction is a gradual junction , decreasing Cu_xS-SdS solar cells have a wider copper diffusion region , it is because of copper degraded change in CdS layer and its diffusion region .

  25. 同时铜主要是以较稳定的残渣态铜为主,铜生产区达63.4%,锌生产区为38.5%。

    It was found that Cu is mainly in residue form that is relatively stable , and its content is 63.4 % and 38.5 % in Cu-smelting and Zn-smelting areas , respectively .

  26. 以液固相复合法生产的铜包钢线为研究对象,利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜的能谱等手段分析了铜/钢界面区的组织形态和成分组成。

    The paper presents an study of copper clad steel wire produced by liquid and solid bonding method . The metallurgical structure at the Cu / Fe interface area are observed with the optical microscope and the composition is tested by SEM with energy spectrum instrument .