
tónɡ línɡ
  • copper/brass/bronze bell
  1. 就靠在一只榛果般大的铜铃旁边。

    Next to a brass bell as big as a hazelnut .

  2. 他涨红了脸,两只眼睛睁得铜铃那么大。

    His face was flushed and his eyes were wide and staring .

  3. 要想退出训练只需要将铜铃拉响

    All you have to do to quit , is ring the bell

  4. 要想退出训练你只需拉响铜铃

    All you have to do is ring the bell to get out

  5. 侏儒坐下来,而小仙人摇了那小铜铃。

    The dwarf sat down and the elf rang the little brass bell .

  6. 最后海豹训练有一个铜铃

    Finally , in SEAL training there is a bell

  7. 拉响铜铃后你就不需要早上5点起床了

    Ring the bell and you no longer have to wake up at 5 o'clock

  8. 她不紧不慢地、叮当地摇着铜铃。

    She was methodically clanging the brass bell .

  9. 拉响铜铃后你就不需要在刺骨的海水中游泳了

    Ring the bell and you no longer have to be in the freezing cold swims

  10. 也有在高处挂上铜铃的,以先碰响者为冠军。

    There are bells hang in height in order to first touch for the championship ring .

  11. 铜铃挂在训练处正中间所有学员都能看到

    A brass bell that hangs in the center of the compound for all the students to see

  12. 铜铃与铜挂饰,与三星堆的用法相同,可能悬挂在铜树上,用于祭祀仪式中。

    The bronze ornaments may be the hanging decorations of the divine tree used in the sacrificial rituals .

  13. 拉响铜铃后你就不再需要长跑跨障碍训练和身体锻炼了

    Ring the bell and you no longer have to do the runs , the obstacle course , the PT

  14. 微风抚过,檐上的铜铃轻轻摇摆,清脆的铃声悠悠荡起,飘进了聍听者的心里。

    The bell hanging from the eves plays gently to a light breeze , sending liquid ringing into one 's heart .

  15. 它头上有独角,下巴有山羊胡,眼睛睁得如铜铃,鼻孔如同牛鼻,尾巴大如拂子。

    It is the head , chin beard , his eyes such as bells , nostril like nose , tail as calamagrostis .

  16. 从兰普尔村和附近村庄调查出来的150名嫌疑人被要求从滚烫的油锅中捞出一只铜铃。

    The150 men from Ranpur and two neighboring hamlets were told to pick a copper ring from a cauldron of boiling oil .

  17. 马蹄、铜铃、车轮,一路上合成了柔和单调的声音。

    The trot of the horse , the bells on the harness , the wheels on the road , produced a gentle , monotonous noise .

  18. 啊,先生,别再问了,别再追问可怜的多比了。小精灵结结巴巴地说,眼睛在黑暗中大得像铜铃。

    Ah , sir , ask no more , ask no more of poor Dobby , stammered the elf , his eyes huge in the dark .

  19. 大家一想到公主曾拒绝过那么多的皇家子弟,最后竟然和一个长着铜铃眼的牧羊人相爱了,每个人都很高兴。

    And everyone rejoiced to think that the princess , who had refused so many royal suitors , should have ended by falling in love with the staring-eyed shepherd .

  20. 她一听到牧羊人所说的话,就忍不住笑了起来。不可否认,这个长着铜铃眼的年轻牧羊人让她觉得非常有趣;

    When she heard what the shepherd said she could not help laughing , for there is no denying the fact that this young shepherd with the staring eyes pleased her very much ;

  21. 就像古塔檐角下的铜铃,无风时,它们只是一种古色古香的装饰,一起风,它们便会发出奇妙的金属音响,似乎是许多古老故事的悠远的回声……

    It reminds one of the bronze bells dangling from a pagoda 's eaves ; on windless days they are a decoration upon the age-weathered beauty , but with wind they give out wonderful tinkling and jingling metallurgic sounds , as if echoing age-old stories of long , long ago ...