
dù chuán
  • ferryboat;ferry;scow;passage boat
渡船 [dù chuán]
  • [ferryboat;passage boat] 用以摆渡行人、货物等过江河、湖泊、海峡的船只

渡船[dù chuán]
  1. 你和妈妈常带我坐渡船。

    You and Mommy used to take me on the ferryboat .

  2. 他尝试过开渡船,经营汽车加油站。

    He tried running a ferryboat , running a filling station .

  3. 渡船定时穿越狭窄的海峡驶向海岛。

    Ferries ply across a narrow strait to the island .

  4. 他们发现渡船已经离开,感到很失望。

    They were dismayed to find that the ferry had already left .

  5. 驶过的渡船掀起的波浪把小艇冲得摇摇晃晃。

    The dinghy was rocked by the wash of a passing ferry .

  6. 渡船行驶于纽黑文和迪耶普之间。

    The ferry sails from Newhaven to Dieppe .

  7. 我们在奥斯坦德及时赶上了渡船。

    We caught the ferry at Ostend .

  8. 渡船是苏格兰边远地区的生命线。

    Ferries are a lifeline to the far-flung corners of Scotland .

  9. 与货船相比,渡船马力大而且易操纵。

    Ferries are very powerful and manoeuvrable compared to cargo ships .

  10. 所有的渡船都免费或以极低的收费运载自行车。

    All the ferries carry bicycles free or for a nominal charge .

  11. 他偷乘渡船到了北希尔兹。

    He stowed away on a ferry and landed in North Shields .

  12. 我们时间充裕得很,足够安东尼赶上渡船。

    We were in plenty of time for Anthony to catch the ferry

  13. 渡船搅起豪湾的海水,从兰代尔驶向霍斯舒湾。

    Ferries churn the waters of Howe Sound from Langdale to Horseshoe Bay .

  14. 她准备去纳奈莫乘渡船回大陆。

    She was going to Nanaimo to catch the ferry to the mainland .

  15. 渡船甚至连发出紧急呼救信号的时间都没有。

    The ferry did not even have time to send out an SOS .

  16. 货运与客运渡船都可应付。

    The ferries can cope with the traffic of both goods and passengers .

  17. 他们乘渡船再次穿过冈比亚河。

    They had recrossed the River Gambia by ferry .

  18. 渡船公司加开了从加来出发的航班。

    Ferry companies are providing extra sailings from Calais

  19. 渡船在北威尔士海岸附近被一股反常的海浪击中。

    The ferry was hit by a freak wave off the North Wales coast .

  20. 渡船轻快地划过水面。

    The ferry cut merrily through the water

  21. 渡船拦腰撞上了我们的船。

    The ferry hit us amidships .

  22. 暴风雨席卷全国,使道路无法通行,渡船受袭,多达30人遇难。

    Storms swept the country , closing roads , buffeting ferries and killing as many as 30 people .

  23. 渡船上大约有250名乘客,超出了核定载客量约100名。

    There were about 250 people on board , about 100 more than the ferry was licensed to carry .

  24. 渡船翻了,一场惨剧随之发生。

    The capsizing of the ferry was a disaster .

  25. 你可以搭渡船过河。

    You can cross the river by ferry .

  26. 渡船定时往返于湖的各旅游景点

    Ferry boats ply regularly between all the resorts on the lake .

  27. 该计划强调说,这份证明“不能作为履行自由旅行权的前提条件,也不能作为使用飞机、火车、长途公共汽车或渡船等跨境交通服务的前提条件。”

    The plan stresses that it " cannot be a pre-condition to exercise free movement rights , nor can it be a pre-condition for using cross-border passenger transport services such as airlines , trains , coaches or ferries " .

  28. 琼州海峡火车渡船HVAC系统介绍

    Qiongzhou channel trains ferry HVAC presentation

  29. 自2006年加入该公司以来,这位姓Lee的船长驾驶仁川和济州岛之间的渡船已经有八年时间。

    Identified only by his family name , Lee , the captain has been on the Incheon-Jeju ferry service for eight years since joining the company in 2006 .

  30. 200t高速穿浪双体渡船喷水推进器设计

    Design of waterjet propulsor on a 200t high speed WPC ferry boat