
  • 网络The President of Myanmar;President of Burma
  1. Reuters缅甸总统吴登盛与印度总理辛格上周在新德里。印度外交部在新闻吹风会上说,印度终于认真考虑了开发缅甸西部若开邦(Rakhine)实兑港(Sittwe)计划。

    In a briefing , India 's Ministry of External Affairs said it finally was serious about plans to develop Myanmar 's Sittwe port in western Rakhine state .

  2. 2011年,因为当地人士的反对,缅甸总统吴登盛(TheinSein)叫停了中方支持的耗资37亿美元修建一座水电大坝的项目,这是较近一段时间内对两国关系打击最大的一起事件。

    In the most significant recent blow to relations between the two countries , Myanmar President Thein Sein stopped a Chinese-backed $ 3.7 billion hydropower dam project in 2011 in response to local opposition .

  3. 缅甸总统吴登盛(TheinSein)将从本周末开始对日本展开为期五天的访问,这是缅甸领导人近30年来首次访问日本。

    Myanmar President Thein Sein will make a five-day trip to Japan from this weekend , marking the first visit to the country by a leader of the Southeast Asian nation in nearly three decades .

  4. 缅甸总统登盛去年上台,为了寻求解除西方制裁,他开始了这些改革。

    Burma 's President Thein Sein came to power last year and instituted these reforms to seek relief from the economic sanctions .

  5. 缅甸总统吴登盛正在双边互访行动中,前往印度访问。此行目的,在加深近年来缓慢进展的双方关系。

    The Burmese president is in India for a bilateral visit aimed at deepening a relationship that has been growing steadily in recent years .

  6. 缅甸总统登盛在首都内比都与美国国务卿希拉里会谈时称,美缅关系进入了“新篇章”。

    Burmese President Thein Sein has hailed a " new chapter " in relations with the US during talks with Hillary Clinton in the capital , Nay Pyi Taw .

  7. 最出人意料的是总统停止项目的理由:登盛(缅甸总统名)行使职能,自称是“根据人民的愿望”。

    The greatest surprise was the president 's rationale for halting the project : Thein Sein acted , he said ," according to the desire of the people " .

  8. 缅甸总统是一名前司令,于今年担任新任命的平民政府领导。他被越来越多人看作是一个真正的改变力量。

    The Burmese president is a former general who assumed the leadership of the new nominally civilian government this year , and he 's increasingly seen as a genuine force for change .

  9. 缅甸总统吴登盛曾在12月签署命令停止军事行动,但内战冲突依旧持续,国际社会怀疑这位前任将军对军队并没有完整的控制权。

    Fighting has continued despite an order in December by President Thein Sein to end operations . That cast doubt on whether the former general leading the country has full control over the military .

  10. 缅甸新总统吴登盛(TheinSein)在议会发起了辩论,其中部分辩论在电视上播出。

    Thein Sein , the new president , has initiated debate in parliament , some sessions of which have been televised .

  11. 对一位打算确定政策新基调的缅甸新总统而言,叫停上述大坝项目是一个明智之举,因为该项目受到民众的普遍反对。

    Given the large popular movement against the dam project , its suspension was a smart move for a new president intent on setting a new tone .