
  • 网络Burmese Chinese
  1. 提出:以缅甸华人的抗战情结为基点,以东吁抗战文化宫为基地,丰富和完善缅甸华人抗战文化圈,呼吁海外华人及一切爱好和平的人们记住历史,奋发图强,共同建设人类美好的家园。

    It also proposes that the cultural ring of the Chinese-Burmese with Dongyu Culture Palace as the base should be strengthened and this history should be remembered while building a peaceful homeland for all .

  2. 清代前期在缅甸的华人(1662-1795)

    The Burmese Chinese of the early Qing Dynasty ( 1662-1795 )

  3. 有关缅甸华侨华人族群的几个问题

    Some Issues of Ethnic Chinese in Burma On Relations Between China and Burma