
  • 网络Shan State Army-South;Shan State Army South
  1. 但有半打的武装组织继续战斗,其中包括克伦民族联盟和南掸邦军。

    A half dozen others continue to fight , including the Karen National Union and Shan State Army-South .

  2. 南掸邦军副发言人宰盛蒙,支持召开彬龙型协商会议。

    Sai Sheng Murng , deputy spokesman of the Shan State Army-South , supported the call for a Panglong-type conference .

  3. 2007年缅甸军政府曾邀请南掸邦军举行了一次和平会谈。

    The Burma Army invited the SSA'South'for a peace talk in2007 .

  4. 大其力当地民团体和南掸邦军昨天发生武装冲突。

    There were clashes between Tachilek-based militia groups and the SSA-S near Tachilek yesterday .

  5. 反政府的南掸邦军领导人约赛中将称,此次发生的最新冲突为在15天内第三次冲突。

    The latest clash , the third in15 days , has been confirmed by the anti-Naypyitaw SSA South leader , Lt-Gen Yawdserk .

  6. 一位分析专家说,缅军是玩游戏,以防止停火武装与南掸邦军联手抗敌。

    One border analyst says the Burma Army is playing games to keep the ceasefire groups from teaming up with the SSA South .

  7. 北掸邦军和南掸邦军在掸邦孟密地区联合与缅军交战,这是两军第一次联合作战。

    Shan State Army ( SSA ) North and SSA South join hands for the first time fighting against the Burma Army in Mongmit .

  8. 他欢迎星期天聚会的决定,如果南掸邦军有机会参加,他们将进一步研究会议议程安排。

    He welcomed the decision to meet on Sunday and said if his group had a chance to participate it would study the agenda .

  9. 据掸邦先驱新闻报告,这次冲突发生在是南掸邦军与缅军之间。

    According to a Shan Herald Agency for News ( SHAN ) report , the clash was between the Shan State Army-South ( SSA-S ) and the Burmese Army .

  10. 有关反对内比都的南掸邦军正在与内比都举行闭门会议的传闻流传在各和平组织之间,据来自中缅边境的消息。

    Reports about the anti-Naypyitaw Shan State Army ( SSA ) 'South'holding closed door meetings with Naypyitaw is spreading among ceasefire groups , according to sources from the Sino-Burma border .

  11. 南掸邦军领导人召约赛指称上述谣传完全是军政府有意制造、用以分化南掸邦军与停火民族武装之间的联盟。

    The report therefore is just a plot by the military junta to discourage alliance between the ceasefire groups and the SSA'South ' , according to its leader Lt-Gen Yawd Serk .

  12. 南掸邦军发言人宰老盛少校表示:“我们相信她能工作,统一缅甸人民和少数民族。”

    Maj Sai Lao Hseng , spokesperson for the Shan State Army-South ( SSA-S ), said ," We believe that she can work towards unity among the Burmese people and ethnic minorities . "

  13. 在此期间,克雅民族进步党与其他反政府争取自治的民族武装结成盟军,比如南掸邦军,克伦民族联盟。这些少数民族武装团体沿泰缅边境设有根据地。

    In the meantime , the KNPP allied itself with ethnic armed opposition groups such as the Shan State Army South and the Karen National Union , which are fighting for various levels of autonomy .

  14. 南掸邦军民族武装集团的发言人宰老盛表示,发展核计划浪费来自开发自然资源的有限资金。

    Sai Lao Hseng , a spokesperson for the Shan State Army – South , an ethnic rebel group , said developing a nuclear program only wastes badly need funds that come mainly from the sale of natural resources .

  15. 诺康的前辈们,包括已故坤沙领导的蒙泰军、佤联军以及南掸邦军等,都曾努力让自己长期占据金三角地区,但都失败了。

    His predecessors : the Mong Tai Army ( MTA ) of the late Khun Sa , the United Wa State Army ( UWSA ) and the SSA South all failed in their efforts to set themselves up permanently in the Golden Triangle .