
  1. 希腊的雅典卫城、英国的巨石阵、柬埔寨的吴哥窟、复活节岛巨人像和巴黎的埃菲尔铁塔等几大热门侯选古迹未能入选。

    The top contenders that lost out are the Acropolis in Athens , Greece , the Stonehenge in Britain , Angkor Vat in Cambodia , the statues on Easter Island and the Eiffel Tower in Paris .

  2. 大肠癌中医证侯规律及影响因素的临床研究

    The Regular Research about TCM Syndrome of Colorectal Cancer

  3. 这个日记是外曾祖母停止艺妓,嫁给“大野木”家侯开始写的。

    This Diary was started to write when she stopped a geisha job and married then came into " Onogi " family .