
  • 网络Nanfu;Excell
  1. 南孚、双鹿等7家被起诉的电池企业及国内其他六七家电池企业联合聘请律师应诉,并于6月底向USITC提交了应诉材料。

    These 7 Companies have hired lawyers and submit lawsuit files to USITC at the end of June .

  2. 检验结果比较显示,三圈废电池处理液对金鱼红细胞微核和核异常的诱发作用比南孚处理液强;

    The results of Tinspection show that inducing role of San Quan 's handling liquid is stronger than NanFu 's ;

  3. 通过以金边草、金鱼草和蝴蝶花三种常见植物为实验对象,观察比较、分析研究了双狮、南孚、东芝、松下几种品牌的废旧干电池对这几种植物生长的影响;

    It discloses the impact of waste cells of such brands as Double Lion , Nan Fu , Panasonic and Toshiba on the growth of the three common plants : A.majus , Fringed iris and A.