
nán guā
  • pumpkin;squash;cushaw;cuaurbit
南瓜 [nán guā]
  • [pumpkin;cushaw] 一年生草本爬蔓植物,茎的横断面呈五角形,叶子心脏形,开黄色喇叭形花,果实圆形或梨形,嫩时绿色,成熟时赤褐色

南瓜[nán guā]
  1. 南瓜馅饼是美国传统的感恩节食物。

    Pumpkin pie is a traditional American dish served on Thanksgiving .

  2. 将南瓜切成4份,去掉籽。

    Quarter the pumpkin and remove the seeds .

  3. 这个南瓜的分量不下二十斤。

    This pumpkin weighs no less than twenty jin .

  4. 他还添加了一些英语词典中没有的美国单词,比如臭鼬和南瓜。

    He also added American words that weren 't in English dictionaries like skunk and squash .

  5. 传统美国印第安菜是用玉米、豆子、土豆和南瓜烹饪的。

    Traditionally , American Indians ' dishes were made with corn , beans , potatoes and pumpkins .

  6. 在这个版本中,鸟儿帮灰姑娘做衣服,老鼠则变成了马车夫,驾驶南瓜马车送灰姑娘去参加舞会。

    This is the version where the birds help make Cinderella 's dress and the mice turn into carriage menand help Cinderella go to the dance in a pumpkincarriage .

  7. Agritainment(农家乐)就是指农村旅游,像走玉米田迷宫、搭乘颠簸的干草车、亲手摘南瓜等场院式活动均属“农家乐“范畴。这种日渐兴盛的旅游形式在帮助农民增加收入的同时也让城市大人们有机会品味乡间生活。

    Agritainment is farm-based tourism , includes family style activities , such as corn mazes their revenue stream .

  8. 看起来就像南瓜里有人在看着你!

    It looks like there is a person looking out of the pumpkin !

  9. 但是这只南瓜太大了,她没有办法把这么大的南瓜带回家。

    But the pumpkin is too big . The panda can 't take it home .

  10. 她看着自行车,跳着说:“有了!我有办法了。我可以把南瓜滚回家去。南瓜好像车轮。

    She watches the bike . " I know ! I have a good idea . " she jumps and shouts happily , " I can roll a pumpkin . It 's like a wheel . "

  11. 报告列举了一些具体的例子,例如,在英国卡通片《小猪佩奇》的第七集中,动画角色骑在一个直升机吊着的大南瓜上,委员会认为这一镜头属于危险动作,可能误导孩子认为攀爬高处是很安全的。

    The report listed some specific examples such as in the seventh episode of the English cartoon Peppa Pig , characters ride on a giant pumpkin that is being airlifted by a helicopter , which the committee considers dangerous as it may mislead children into thinking it is safe to climb high places .

  12. 万圣节的时候,Clifford喜欢南瓜灯。

    On Halloween , Clifford liked the Jack-o ' - lantern .

  13. 主要结果如下:(1)采用RT-PCR方法鉴定南瓜病毒病的病原。

    The main results were as follows : ( 1 ) Identification of pumpkin virus disease pathogens by RT-PCR .

  14. 南瓜子中有一种抗血吸虫病的成分,具有羧基、伯氨基和仲氨基各一,名之为南瓜子氨酸(C5H(10)N2)。

    Cucurbitine ( C_5H_ ( 10 ) O_2N_2 ), an amino acid effective against Schistosomiasis japonica which was isolated from the seeds of Cucurbita moschata Duch .

  15. NaCl、Na2SO4和Na2CO3对南瓜幼苗的生理胁迫效应

    Physiological reaction of seedling of Cucurbita moschata under NaCl , Na_2SO_4 and Na_2CO_3 stress

  16. 南瓜疫病菌(PhytophthoracapsiciLeon.)毒素致病机理及抗源筛选研究

    Pathogenic Mechanism of Toxin Produced by Phytophthora Capsici Leon . and Resistant Materials Screening

  17. 研究结果表明:以水为溶剂来提取南瓜中糖蛋白时,最优工艺条件:温度85℃,时间2h,固液比1∶30。

    The optimum condition for extraction : temperature 85 ℃, duration 2h and solid to liquid ratio 1 ∶ 30 .

  18. 研究了西瓜实生苗和以黑籽南瓜、超丰F1为砧木的嫁接苗的耐冷性及活性氧清除系统的差异。

    This paper studied the chilling tolerance and the activity of protective system against active oxygen of own-rooted and grafted watermelon seedlings .

  19. 参照以往的战果,2004年,特丽莎•海茵茨•克里的南瓜香料曲奇不敌劳拉•布什的燕麦巧克力饼,abercrombiefrance。

    In2004 , Teresa Heinz Kerry 's pumpkin spice cookies failed to beat off the competition from Laura Bush 's oatmeal chocolate chunk cookies .

  20. MDA含量可以作为不同南瓜品种耐盐性的鉴定指标。而根系活力、可溶性糖、脯氨酸和叶绿素含量不宜作为耐盐性鉴定指标。

    It was proposed that salt injury index , electrolytic leakage and MDA content could be suitable for selecting salt-tolerant pumpkin variety except root activity , soluble sugar , Pro and Chl . content .

  21. 接种后,所有抗病南瓜品种POD和PPO同工酶谱带均显著增强,而感病南瓜品种POD和PPO同工酶谱带无明显变化。

    The intensity of POD and PPO isozyme bands in resistant cultivars was greatly enhanced at 48 hours after inoculation , while in susceptible cultivar these isozyme bands had no changes after inoculation .

  22. 目的观察染铅小鼠抗氧化系统的改变及南瓜提取物(PumpkinDistillableSubject,PKD)对抗氧化酶系统的影响。

    Objective To observe the effect of Pumpkin Distillable Subject ( PKD ) on antioxidation in mice induced by Pb .

  23. 方法以1-苯基-3-甲基-5-吡唑啉酮(PMP)为单糖的柱前衍生化试剂,用毛细管区带电泳(CZE)法测定南瓜多糖的单糖组成。

    METHODS The monosaccharides as 1 - phenyl - 3 - methyl - 5 - pyrazolone ( PMP ) derivatives were separated by capillary zone electrophoresis ( CZE ) .

  24. 结果南瓜提取物对糖尿病主要临床症状的总有效率为27.5%(对照组为11.8%),且空腹和餐后2h血糖平均下降率均超过10%。

    Results The pumpkin extract improved the chief clinical symptoms , and the total efficiency rate was ( 27.5 % ) VS. 11.8 % in control group ; and their average descending rate exceeded 10 % .

  25. 棉蚜Aphisgossypii(Glover)属多食性害虫,主要危害棉花、南瓜、西瓜、木谨等多种植物,在世界范围内广泛分布,在我国各棉区均有分布和危害。

    Cotton aphid Aphis gossypii ( Glover ) belong polyphagous pests , mainly against cotton , squash , watermelon , wood and other plants , widely distributed in the world .

  26. 方法采用小鼠S180肉瘤建立荷瘤小鼠模型,给予南瓜提取物后观察荷瘤小鼠肿瘤生长情况及对小鼠免疫系统和抗氧化酶的影响。

    Methods S_ 180 - bearing mice were used as animal model . The mice were administrated pumpkin extracts orally . The effects of PKE on tumor weight , immune function and antioxidative enzyme were examined .

  27. 结果:南瓜多糖可降低四氧嘧啶糖尿病小鼠的血糖,给药后2h、4h降糖百分率分别为(71.34±38.72)%、(88.47±22.39)%(P<0.05)。

    Results : The blood glucose of model group treated with pumpkin polysaccharide was decreased by ( 71.34 ± 38.72 ) % and ( 88.47 ± 22.39 ) % ( P < 0.05 ) after two hours and four hour .

  28. 利用酿酒酵母将南瓜中的Cr3+转化为葡萄糖耐量因子(GTF),并与牛奶混合而制成适合于糖尿病人及其他人群、具有医疗保健功能的GTF南瓜奶粉。

    The paper described wine-making yeast to change Cr 3 + in pumpkin to glucose tolerance factor ( GTF ), and intermix with milk to produce GTF pumpkin powdered milk which has medical treatment and health care function for diabetes and other people .

  29. 结果表明,Na2SO4胁迫除对南瓜幼苗干物重抑制程度大于NaCl外,其余指标的变化趋势都显示出NaCl盐害程度高于Na2SO4。

    The results indicated that the stress effects of Na_2SO_4 on dry weight of Cucurbita moschata were greater than that of NaCl stress . However , the variation trend of the other entire indexes demonstrated that the stress effects of NaCl salt stress was higher than Na_2SO_4 salt stress .

  30. 研究了超滤技术在南瓜多糖浓缩纯化过程中的应用,发现南瓜多糖的最佳超滤条件是:采用截留分子量30KDa的超滤膜,超滤压力为0.100MPa,超滤温度为25℃。

    Ultrafiltration was applied to concentrate and purify polysaccharides of pumpkin . Results showed the optimal conditions were as follows : MWCO 30 KDa ultrafiltration membrane , 0.1 MPa , 25 ℃ .