
  1. 开展南太平洋岛国合作探查开发深海矿产资源

    Cooperation with south pacific Island countries to explore and develop deep-sea mineral resources

  2. 美国同意帮助南太平洋岛国处理与别国的纠纷。

    The United States agreed to help the South Pacific islands settle any differences with other nations .

  3. 握手在19世纪被通过汤加(南太平洋岛国)传到斐济(太平洋西南部岛国,新西兰以北),并迅速成为明确的习惯。

    Shaking hands was introduced to Fiji in the19th Century by way of Tonga , and quickly became the established custom .

  4. 美国地质勘探局报道,南太平洋岛国汤加当地时间12日下午发生里氏6.1级地震。

    A magnitude 6.1 earthquake hit south east of Tonga at 1:19pm local time ( 2:19 NZT ), the US Geological Survey has reported .

  5. 斐济共和国是南太平洋的岛国,位于瓦努阿图(Vanuatu)东部,汤加(Tonga)西部和图瓦卢(Tuvalu)南部。

    The Republic of the Fiji Islands , or Fiji , is an island nation in the South Pacific Ocean , east of Vanuatu , west of Tonga and south of Tuvalu .

  6. 这个南太平洋袖珍岛国丢掉了12月30日(周五)这一天,因为它抛弃了和美国的时区联盟,将自己的时间移前了24小时,以和亚洲、新西兰和澳大利亚保持一致。

    Friday , December 30 , has been cut this year for the tiny South Pacific island nation as it ditched a time-zone alliance with the United States and moved its time zone 24 hours ahead to catch up with Asia , New Zealand and Australia .

  7. 瓦努阿图是南太平洋的一个岛国。

    Vanuatu is an island nation in the South Pacific .