
lǚ tóng hé jīn
  • Aluminum copper alloy;aluminium copper;aluminium copper alloy
铝铜合金[lǚ tóng hé jīn]
  1. Sb和Bi元素对铸造铝铜合金抗热裂性能的影响

    The effects of Sb and Bi on the hot cracking tendency of casting Al-Cu alloys

  2. 孕育剂Ti和Zr元素对2219铝铜合金焊缝组织和性能的影响

    Effect of inoculants Ti and Zr on microstructure and mechanical properties of 2219 Al-Cu alloy welding

  3. Ce量为0.3%时的铝铜合金为热疲劳抗力较佳组织。

    The Al-Cu alloy with 0.3 % Ce is considered to be with the best thermal fatigue performance .

  4. 本文探讨了铈对铝铜合金&Al2O3颗粒复合材料界面的影响。

    The effect of cerium upon the interface between Al2O3 particle and Al-Cu alloy is investigated in this paper .

  5. 通过合金液变质处理、合金化学成分优化及热处理强化等,研制出一种新型压铸高强韧铝铜合金HB。

    A new high strength and high toughness Al-Cu die casting alloy was developed through optimization of alloy composition , modification and heat treatment .

  6. 现在我们看到这里的pH值还不是很低,但是已经造成鱼类死亡,重金属,铝铜合金,铬,以及砷等有毒物质据信已经达到有毒水平。

    Now we 're seeing the result of the PH isn 't low enough that fishes dying , also that the issue of a heavy metal , carbium , chromium , poisons like arsenic also believed to be toxic .

  7. 研究电磁搅拌对2219铝铜合金脉冲MIG焊焊缝形状、组织及性能的影响。

    Effects of electromagnetic stirring on the shape , structure and mechanical properties of pulse metal inert gas ( MIG ) weld of 2219 Al-Cu alloy were investigated .

  8. 研究了双脉冲MIG焊工艺对2219高强铝铜合金焊缝组织及性能的影响,通过正交试验确定了适合于2219铝铜合金焊接的最佳脉冲MIG焊工艺参数。

    The effects of the synergic-pulsed MIG process on the microstructure and properties of 2219 Al-Cu alloy welds were investigated . The optimum synergic-pulsed MIG process parameters were established through the orthogonal experiment .

  9. 熔体超温处理对铝铜合金凝固组织的影响

    Influence of melt superheating treatment on solidification microstructure of Al-Cu alloy

  10. 铝铜合金阴极的铝电解研究

    A Study on the Electrolysis of Aluminium with Al-Cu Alloy Cathode

  11. 铝铜合金靶材的微观结构对溅射沉积性能的影响

    Effects of Target Microstructure on Al-Cu Alloy Sputtering and Depositing Performance

  12. 铝铜合金过时效多晶体中的剪切带

    Shear band in overaged al-2 . 45wt % cu alloy polycrystal

  13. 不同压力下挤压铸造铝铜合金的组织与性能

    Microstructure and Properties of Squeeze Cast Al-Cu Alloy with Different Applied Pressure

  14. 稀土对高强度铸造铝铜合金的影晌

    Influence of Rare Earths of High Strength Cast Al-Cu Alloy

  15. 低铝铜合金表面渗铝及内氧化的研究

    Study on Aluminizing and Internal Oxidation of Trace Cu-Al Alloys

  16. 悬浮浇注对铝铜合金组织遗传性的影响

    The Effect of Floating Casting on the Structure Heredity of Al-Cu Alloys

  17. 铝铜合金时效沉淀析出相对剪切变形局部化的影响

    The Effects of Dispersed Phases on Shear Deformation Localization in Al-Cu Alloys

  18. 铝铜合金雾化沉积快速凝固过程的传热计算

    Computation of Heat Transfer the Spray Deposition Process for an Aluminium-copper Alloy

  19. 铝铜合金在定向凝固条件下的固液界面形态

    Morphological Transition of Freezing Interface in Unidirectionally Solidified Al-Cu alloys

  20. 稀土对铝铜合金凝固过程中准固态性能的影响

    Influence of Rare Earths on Quasi-Solid Properties of Al-Cu Alloy During Solidification

  21. 铝铜合金热裂倾向分析研究

    Analysis of hot crack tendency of aluminum cupper alloy

  22. 铈对铝铜合金固液界面形态和稳定性的影响

    Influence of Ce on morphology and stability of solid-liquid interface in Al-Cu alloy

  23. 锌基铝铜合金中铁和铜的测定

    The Determination of Iron and Lopper in Zn-Al-Cu Alloy

  24. 铝铜合金阳极氧化新工艺

    A New Process of Aluminum - Copper Alloy Anodizing

  25. 泡沫铝铜合金静态压缩力学行为和吸能性能的实验研究

    Experimental investigation on static compressive behavior and energy-absorption performance of closed cellular Al-Cu alloy

  26. 铝铜合金脉冲硬质阳极氧化膜的制备与研究

    Prepare and Research on a Pulse Current Hard Anodic Oxidation Film for Aluminum-copper Alloy

  27. 含镉铸造铝铜合金的微观组织

    The microstructure of Al-Cu cast alloy containing CD

  28. 铜铝轧制复合变形规律及热处理的研究真空吸尘器用铝铜合金

    Bond Rolling Principles and Heat Treatment of Cu / Al Clad Sheet vacuum cleaner alloy

  29. 铸造铝铜合金的冲击韧性

    The impact toughness of Al-Cu casting alloy

  30. 高铝铜合金粉末激光熔覆层的摩擦磨损性能塑性高锡青铜轴承合金

    Friction and wear properties of laser melt-cladding with high-aluminum bronze powders plastic metal bearing alloys