
  1. CAD技术在矩形铝板幕墙排样中的应用

    Application of CAD in the Layout of the Rectangle Aluminium Coating Wall Plate

  2. 铝板幕墙铝面板构件的加工

    Fabrication of Aluminium Panel Element of the Aluminium Plate Curtain Wall

  3. 复合铝板幕墙的制作与安装

    The Making and Installation for Composite Aluminium Plate Curtain Wall

  4. 某工程报告厅铝板幕墙的施工测量与质量控制

    Construction Measuring and Quality Controlling of Aluminium Sheet Curtain Wall of One Project

  5. 单层铝板幕墙施工技术探讨单层铝板幕墙面板加工安装成形工艺

    The machining working and installation forming process of single - skin aluminum curtain wall face - plate

  6. 铝塑板使用注意事项及幕墙的安全性铝板幕墙铝面板构件的加工

    Notice proceeding for the aluminium composite panel and the security of the curtain - wall Fabrication of Aluminium Panel Element of the Aluminium Plate Curtain Wall

  7. 针对矩形铝板幕墙生产特点及排样要求,研究了矩形件排样的算法,提出了适合于矩形铝板排样的优化过程。

    According to the production feature of the aluminium coating wall plate , the algorithm of rectangle layout was studied , and the suitable optimized layout process of the aluminium coating plate was presented .

  8. 介绍了高层建筑复合铝板幕墙、干挂石材幕墙外墙外保温技术的施工、质量要求及应用效果。

    The construction , the quality requirements and application conclusions of the heat preservation technologies of outside walls of composite aluminum plate curtail walls and stone curtail walls by dry hanging are introduced in this paper .

  9. 介绍了复合铝板幕墙的功能,幕墙板和骨架的制作及安装以及汕头国际会展中心采用复合铝板幕墙的应用情况。

    The paper introduces the function of composite aluminium plate curtain wall , making and installation of curtain wall plate and its framework and the application of composite aluminium plate in International Exhibition Center in Shantou .

  10. 此类结构一般采用钢结构且跨度较大,屋面板及外墙采用了压型钢板、铝板幕墙等轻质材料,具有重量轻、刚度小的特点,使得结构较柔,从而成为风敏感结构。

    General use of such structures and long span steel structure , roof and external walls with a steel plate , aluminum curtain wall and other lightweight materials , light weight , stiffness of small features , makes the structure more flexible , making the wind-sensitive structures .

  11. 铝板及石板幕墙结构设计主要包括铝板设计、石板设计、横梁设计以及立柱设计。

    The design of aluminium panel and stone panel curtain wall structure consists mainly of aluminium panel design , stone panel design , beam design and column design .

  12. 主要介绍了该工程钢筋混凝土平屋面、地下室外墙、网架金属板屋面、铝板及石板幕墙、变形缝等部位的防水设计与施工。

    The article introduces waterproofing design and construction of the project , including flat roofs of reinforced concrete , exterior wall of basement , sheet metal roof with grid structure , curtain wall of sheet aluminium and stone plate .

  13. 复合铝板干挂石材幕墙外墙外保温技术

    The heat preservation technologies of outside wall of the composite aluminum plate curtail walls and stone curtail walls by dry hanging

  14. 并以单层铝板面料为例简介了铝板幕墙的设计、安装方法及基本节点图。

    The example of using single-layer aluminium sheet will explain the design of aluminium sheet curtain wall , the methods of installation and the draft of basic join point connecting .