
piào zi
  • bank note;paper money;bill;ticket
票子 [piào zi]
  • (1) [paper money;bank-note;bill]∶纸币

  • (2) [ticket]∶凭证;船票

票子[piào zi]
  1. 当着他的面,兰西比尔布递给他妻子一张五元的票子。

    In his presence Ransie Bilbro handed to his wife a five-dollar bill .

  2. 思嘉只得收下玉米,然后偷偷将一张一美元的票子塞到萨莉手里。

    Scarlett took the corn and privately slipped a dollar bill into sally 's hand .

  3. 把这10元的票子破开。

    Break the ten-yuan note , please .

  4. 你给我换五张一元的票子好吗?

    Will you change me five one-yuan notes ?

  5. 她在她的手提包里搜寻,但她没能找到她的票子

    She foraged about in her handbag , but she couldn 't find her ticket .

  6. 妻子忙迎上前问:“那张大票子生孩子没有?”

    His wife asked him immediately : " Does that big note give birth to some children ? "

  7. 加入WTO,对民营企业而言,真正意义市场经济时代来临,靠胆子、靠路子、靠票子进行企业经营的时代结束;

    So far as private enterprises are concerned , the real meaning of China 's WTO membership is the marking of the beginning of market economy and the end of the operations by way of only boldness , relations and money .

  8. 那时候还没有互联网和Ticketmaster订票网站,要买大牌明星的演唱会票子,一般只有一种办法:整晚在街上和大群死忠歌迷一起排队,等着售票处或卖票的唱片店上午9点开门。

    Before the Internet and Ticketmaster stepped in , big-name tickets were typically purchased one way : by lining up on the street at night alongside throngs of hardy fans and waiting for a box office or a record store to open at 9 a.m. Since most of my early concertgoing took place in Scotland ,

  9. 他在想方设法要弄一张木偶戏的票子。

    He was angling for a ticket to the puppet show .

  10. 你们的票子是什么颜色的?我们的票子是黄色的。

    What colour are your tickets ? Our tickets are yellow .

  11. 我恐怕票子现在已经卖完了。

    I suppose all the tickets will be sold by now .

  12. 当你要取回行李时,必须出示这张票子。

    You must present this ticket when you reclaim your luggage .

  13. 这就是你给他票子的那个小女孩吗?

    Is this the girl whom you gave your tickets to ?

  14. 还可以买到明天晚上的票子吗?

    Is it still possible to get ticket for tomorrow evening ?

  15. 他给我票子之前,我已经把钱给他了。

    I 'd paid him before he gave me the ticket .

  16. 要记住你用于购买的票子就是地位。

    Remember that your position is for the purchase of tickets .

  17. 没有第三排的票子了,是吗?

    There 's nothing in the third row , is there ?

  18. 你必须早点订购票子以防失望!

    You must order your tickets early to secure against disappointment !

  19. 我可以预订明晚演出的两张票子吗?

    Could I book two seats for tomorrow evening 's performance ?

  20. 在他的西装背心口袋里有些零碎票子&绿颜色的美钞。

    There were some loose bills in his vest pocket & greenbacks .

  21. “地球,风与火”的票子,带上他的弟弟。

    For earth , wind and fire and little brother .

  22. 没有搞到票子我很失望。

    I am rather disappointed at not get the ticket .

  23. 我很得意,我有两张歌剧票子。

    I am the proud possessor of two ticket to the opera .

  24. 我们将替你把票子保留到星期三。

    We 'll keep your tickets for you until wednesday .

  25. 出示票子方可入场。

    Entrance is permitted only on production of a ticket .

  26. 我们离开得如此匆忙,连票子也忘记带了。

    We left in such a hurry that we forgot our tickets .

  27. 要我帮你搞到票子?

    You want me to try and get you tickets ?

  28. 中国人每年在国外甩出去的大票子已经达到了一个惊人的数目。

    The big bucks Chinese spend overseas every year reaches staggering numbers .

  29. 他得意洋洋,拿出一张十美元的票子付帐。

    Ultimately , I agreed to sell him the book for15 cents .

  30. 有可能买到今天日场的票子吗?

    Be there any chance of get ticket for today 's matinee ?