
piào shù
  • Number of votes;majority;poll
票数 [piào shù]
  • [poll] 得票数;投票数

  • 以最高票数当选为最受欢迎的人

票数[piào shù]
  1. 在上一年的普选中,他的政党在这里获得了最高的票数。

    His party topped the poll here in last year 's general election .

  2. 冠军不一定是客观地公平合理地选出来,但一定是票数最高的那一个。

    The winner is not necessarily the deserving contestant from an objective point of view , but is the one with the best poll numbers .

  3. 他们所得的票数远远超出名次仅次于他们的对手。

    They had a large majority over their nearest rivals .

  4. 共和党在最近的选举中得票数都很漂亮。

    The Republicans have polled well in recent elections .

  5. 票数计错了。

    The votes had been miscounted .

  6. 该国托利党多数票的票数居首的选区

    the constituency with the largest Tory majority in the country .

  7. 票数有限,先申请者先得。

    Tickets are limited and will be allocated to those who apply first

  8. 弃权票数很可能起决定性作用。

    The number of abstentions is likely to be crucial

  9. 最后得出的票数是她817票,李先生731票。

    The final tally was 817 votes for her and 731 for Mr Lee .

  10. 结果显示,他已获得了足够把对手拖入二次投票的票数。

    The result showed he had polled enough votes to force a second ballot .

  11. 参议院现在的票数还难分上下。

    In the Senate , the count is too close to call at this point .

  12. 双方票数相等,一位当地工会领袖投了决定性票,同意复工。

    The vote was tied and a local union leader used his casting vote in favour of the return to work .

  13. 他预言该执政党将在大选中获得巨大的票数优势。

    He predicted that the ruling party would win a huge majority in the election .

  14. 他唱歌为自己拉票,票数还真是增长了不少呢

    He canvasses by singing , and the votes have really increased a lot .

  15. 计票员正在统计票数

    The tellers were calculating the votes .

  16. 但这些令反而“唐纳德”异常火爆。尽管其言论带有种族歧视,他在选举中的票数却不降反升。

    But this makes the popularity of " The Donald " : his numbers are rising in the polls not in spite of his racism9 but because of it .

  17. 例句:Amajorityvoteenabledthepassageoftheresolution.多数人投赞成票使议案得以通过。票数差距,多得的票数,超过的票数这项提案以超过128票的多数获得通过。

    The draft resolution was adopted by a majority of 128 .

  18. 如欧洲共同体行使投票权,则其拥有的票数应与属WTO成员的欧洲共同体成员国的数目②相等。

    Where the European Communities exercise their right to vote , they shall have a number of votes equal to the number of their member States which are Members of the WTO .

  19. 萨尔蒙德倡导独立的论调一直是温情的、包容的,回避了愤怒的反英格兰式悲情政治(politicsofgrievance,指煽动和利用民众的委屈感为自己争取票数&译者注)。

    Mr Salmond has built his argument for independence around a cuddly , inclusive pitch that eschews the angry politics of anti-English grievance .

  20. 这些款项对IMF总裁的选举没有什么直接影响,因为它们仅代表不到0.5%的票数。

    The payments will have little direct effect on the election of a managing director because they represent fewer than 0.5 per cent of total votes .

  21. 除非议员罗伯特伯德(robertbyrd)的离世打乱票数平衡,否则他们的法案在几天内就会成为法律。

    Unless the death of Senator Robert Byrd disrupts the arithmetic , their legislation should reach the statute book within days .

  22. 昨天,美国通信监管机构——联邦通信委员会(FederalCommunicationCommission,简称FCC)以3比2的票数,将宽带定义为下载速度至少达到每秒25兆比特的互联网服务。相比之下,此前宽带的定义为每秒4兆比特。

    The US communications watchdog voted 3-2 yesterday to define broadband as an internet service with download speeds of at least 25 megabits per second , compared with its previous definition of 4 Mbps .

  23. 也许大多数人已经知道,上周DEC股东以压倒多数的票数通过了合并协议,从而使康柏顺利完成对DEC的收购。

    As most of you probably know , Compaq completed the acquisition last week after Digital shareholders voted overwhelmingly to approve the merger agreement .

  24. 两项股东提案以极高票数被否决,其中一项提案意图终止允许一位执行官(目前是罗伯特·A·伊格[RobertA.Iger])同时担任首席执行官和主席的做法。

    Two shareholder proposals were defeated by wide margins , including one to end a practice of allowing one executive ( currently Robert A. Iger ) to serve as both chief executive and chairman .

  25. 罗姆尼(MITTROMNEY)周二晚间宣布在得克萨斯州共和党初选中获胜,这使他获得了确保自己被提名为共和党总统候选人所需的党代表票数。

    Mitt Romney Tuesday night claimed his win in the Texas primary gives him the requisite number of delegates to clinch the Republican presidential nomination . '

  26. 据悉,在这家信托机构让步之前,代表道琼斯总投票数约28%的家族票已决定支持将道琼斯出售给新闻集团。DenverTrust的票数将支持票总数增加到至少37%。

    Before the trust gave in , family votes representing about 28 per cent of the company 's total votes were understood to be backing a sale to News Corp. The Denver Trust votes brings the total to at least 37 per cent .

  27. 在其中,最高法院以5:4的票数认定《保护婚姻法案》(DOMA)违宪,在这项法案中禁止联邦政府承认的同性婚姻。

    In one , the court by a 5-4 majority striking down DOMA , which among other things barred federal recognition of same-sex marriage .

  28. 布里奇顿的下水道是一个展现了维多利亚时期工程和建筑风格的鲜活的纪念馆,其得票数超过了包括约克公爵影院(DukeofYork'sPicturehouse)在内的其他名胜古迹,后者是英国最古老的电影院之一。

    The living monument to Victorian engineering and architecture topped other attractions including the Duke of York 's Picturehouse , one of Britain 's oldest cinemas .

  29. Peek的获得票数近3倍于排名其次的苹果新Macbook笔记本电脑,一款被大批网络活跃分子们和操作系统平台痴迷者期待已久的电脑产品。

    It received nearly three times the number of votes as the second-ranking Apple 's MacBook , a product that could be expected to attract a far greater number of online activist platform zealots .

  30. 1982-83.NBA历史上,只有两次MVP得主,其队友所获票数也在前五之列,这是1995-96赛季的乔丹和斯科蒂-皮蓬,在1982-83赛季的摩西-马龙和朱利叶斯-欧文。

    There are only two times in NBA history where an MVP winner had a teammate finish in the top five in voting . Jordan and Scottie Pippen in 1995-96 and Moses Malone and Julius Erving in .