
  • 网络Ancient Chinese sports
  1. 这是中国古代体育发展的普遍规律。

    This is the general evolution law of the ancient Chinese sports .

  2. 研究中国古代体育,除正史、野史等历史文献外,古代诗词、歌赋、笔记、戏曲、小说等各类文学作品,亦是重要的研究资料。

    Study on ancient Chinese sports , in addition to history and unofficial historical documents , such as the ancient poetry , notes , drama and fiction and other kinds of literary works , etc. are also the important research data .

  3. 中国古代体育伦理思想根植于博大精深的传统文化。

    Chinese thoughts of sport ethics stem from the traditional culture .

  4. 中国古代体育的经济学审视

    A Study on the History of Sports Economy in Ancient China

  5. 试论中国古代体育与保健医学体操的完美结合

    On Perfect Combination between Sports in Ancient China and Medical Gymnastics

  6. 试论中国古代体育英雄神话传说

    On sports mythology and legend in ancient ch in a

  7. 中国古代体育的文化基础巫术通天

    The Civilization Base of Ancient Chinese Physical Education - Sorcery

  8. 关于中国古代体育起源的两个问题

    Two Issues Concerning the Origin of Chinese Ancient Sports

  9. 中国古代体育文献十分丰富,可惜大多已散佚不存。

    There is abundant gym literature in ancient China .

  10. 中国古代体育保健探微

    The Physical Care of Physical Education in Ancient China

  11. 试论中国古代体育美学思想

    Research on Physical Esthetic Thought in Ancient China

  12. 中国古代体育舞蹈的演变及其特性

    Evolution and Character of Chinese Ancient Sport Dance

  13. 中国古代体育经济纵论

    Verified Analysis on Sports Economy in Ancient China

  14. 中国古代体育文献述略

    Compendium of the Chinese Archaic Gymnastic Literature

  15. 先秦身体观语境下的中国古代体育文化研究

    Study of Chinese Ancient Sport Culture under the Context of Body-thinking in the Pre-Qin Period

  16. 论中国古代体育文化的发展历程

    On Development of Chinese Ancient Physical Culture

  17. 孔子体育养生保健理论与实践是对中国古代体育文化的重大贡献。

    Confucian 's theory and practice was a great contribution to the physical culture of ancient China .

  18. 深根固柢,长生久视之道&中国古代体育观给我们的启示

    Deep and Solid Root , A Road to Long Life : the Revelation of Chinese Ancient Sports View

  19. 高校体育资料室有必要开发利用中国古代体育文献资料的工作,重点可先行探讨模仿运动的来由与健康的关系。

    It is necessary to develop and utilize the Chinese ancient athletic literature kept in the reference rooms of the P.

  20. 但由于中华民族和中华文化传承从未中断过的特点,中国古代体育文化至今仍然发挥着其积极作用。

    But owing to the continuity of the Chinese nation and culture , now it is still playing an important role .

  21. 我国南北朝时期体育的畸形发展,造成了中国古代体育文化奇特的一段历史。

    The type of lopsided sports development in Northern and Southern Dynasties caused the peculiar history of physical culture in ancient China .

  22. 从百兽舞、太极拳等方面论述了中国古代体育与保健医学体操的完美结合。

    The treatise expounded the perfect combination between sports in ancient China and medical gymnastics in terms of taijiquan and a hundred beasts dance .

  23. 对以民间传说与神话资料作为中国古代体育起源的依据提出了质疑,认为这种研究在把握资料上缺乏理性分析,这些资料只能作为传说来看待。

    The author questioned basing the origin of Chinese ancient sports on folklores and mythologies , and believed this kind of researches lack rational analysis because the materials they used may only be regarded as folklores .

  24. 因此从文化的视角探析汉代导引的发展,对完整地理悟中国古代体育文化的发展具有重要的历史现实意义。

    Therefore , to learn and analyze the development of the Han Dynasty 's leadin from the point of view of culture , is of great historical and practical significance to the full understanding of the development of the Chinese ancient physical culture .

  25. 略论中国古代女子体育的文化特征

    Cultural Traits of Women 's Physical Culture in the Ancient China

  26. 我们顺便聊聊中国古代的体育。

    Let us talk about ancient Chinese sports .

  27. 中国古代的体育运动种类繁多,各具特色。

    Sports in ancient China were extremely rich and diversified , each with distinct features of its own .

  28. 如何保持中国古代传统体育文化成为体育工作者面临的一项艰巨任务。

    Today , how to maintain Chinese ancient physical culture has become a difficult task that we are confronted with .

  29. 通过分析中国古代学校体育的发展过程,探讨其衰落的文化背景,得出以下结论:中国古代学校体育的衰落导致社会文化中自我激励机制的弱化;

    An analysis is made of the developmental process of scholastic physical education in ancient China with the cultural background of its decline discussed .

  30. 中国古代动态特征的体育仿生

    On Motion Feature of Ancient China 's Sports Bionics