
  • 网络medieval literature
  1. 他因为对中世纪文学的论述而深受仰慕。

    He was much admired for his work on medieval literature .

  2. 诗人乔叟在欧洲中世纪文学进入现代文学的转折过程中发挥了重要作用,他广泛借鉴了法国、意大利、拉丁文学传统,结合英语语言的特点,开创了英国文学的传统。

    Chaucer played an important role in the transition period from medieval literature to modern literature . He incorporated French , Italian , and Latin literary traditions into English literature and founded English literature tradition .

  3. 欧洲中世纪文学象征思想及其特征

    The Symbolic Thought and Its Characteristics in European Literature of Middle Ages

  4. 第三部分:中世纪文学象征思想的特点。

    Chapter three : Characteristics of symbolic thoughts in literature of Middle Ages .

  5. 第二部分:中世纪文学中的象征形象和象征思想。

    Chapter two : symbolic images and thoughts in European literature of Middle Ages .

  6. 典雅爱情是中世纪文学中的一个重要主题,它是11世纪以来伴随西欧骑士制度而兴起的一种爱情方式。

    Elegant love which is appearing with the development of European knight system , is an important theme in mid-century literature .

  7. 高等学校的外国文学教学应该在古希腊罗马文学与中世纪文学之间增加“古希伯来文学与早期基督教文学”一章。

    In the teaching of foreign literature in China 's institutions of higher learning , " ancient Hebrew literature and early Christian literature " should be inserted in between ancient Greek and Roman literature and the Middle Ages literature .

  8. 骑士文学是中世纪世俗文学的主要成就。

    Chivalric Literature is a major achievement of medieval secular literature .

  9. 他在给我们作有关中世纪德国文学的讲座。

    He was giving us lectures on medieval German literature .

  10. 我很专注研究古代和中世纪英语文学。

    I 'd really focus my studies on old and middle English literature .

  11. 在教会的管制下,中世纪的文学艺术死气沉沉。

    In church control during the middle ages of literature and art are lifeless .

  12. 研究中世纪法国文学的作家

    A writer delving in medieval French literature

  13. 中世纪波斯文学中的悲剧意识

    The Tragedy Conscience in Medieval Persian Literature

  14. 德国中世纪骑士文学

    A Dip into German Medieval Knight-Literature

  15. 中世纪世俗文学作品的象征形象则既体现出与宗教的牵连,又传达了人性的曙光和世俗情怀。

    Symbolic images in European profane literature of Middle Ages have some relation to Christianity and express profane feelings .

  16. 第三,文化教育对女性的歧视,使得女性作家除了修道院的修女外,只有少数几位贵族妇女在中世纪的文学中留有一笔。

    The discrimination towards women in cultural education allowed very few noble women writers to leave some marks in medieval literature .

  17. 西方学者对于中世纪西欧文学中的女性形象的研究历来比较重视,在教会文学、骑士文学和城市文学的研究领域都涌现出来不少的优秀成果。

    Western scholars have paid much attention to the research of female 's image in Medieval Western European literature , and have acquired many outstanding achievements .

  18. 对乔叟的梦幻诗和欧洲中世纪梦幻文学传统的研究是乔叟研究中不可忽视的一个重要方面。

    The present paper studies the medieval tradition of dream vision , discusses the development of Chaucer as a writer within and against such a tradition .

  19. 中世纪英国文学包括古英语时期文学和中古英语时期文学,中世纪欧洲文学以法国文学最为兴盛。

    English literature in middle age concludes the literature in ancient period and middle ancient period . French literature is the most prosperous in middle European ages .

  20. 本文重点剖析作品的中世纪传奇文学声部,从理论角度阐述主人公骑士般的传奇经历和爱情故事。

    This paper , with a focus on the analysis of the genre of romance , expounds in detail the protagonist 's knight-like adventure and love affairs .

  21. 迄今为止,中世纪英国文学里最伟大的名字便是杰弗里•乔叟(1340~1400)。乔叟是一位有着丰富阅历的诗人。

    By far the greatest name in Middle English literature is that of Geoffrey Chaucer ( 1340-1400 ): This poet was also an experienced man of the world .

  22. 母亲与谋杀:中世纪晚期英国文学中的母性研究

    Mother and Murder : A Study of Motherhood in Late Medieval English Literature

  23. 《特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达》&乔叟对中世纪宫廷爱情文学传统的继承与超越

    Troilus and Criseyde : Chaucer and Courtly Love Tradition

  24. 骑士文学是欧洲中世纪特有的文学形式。

    The knight literature is the special literary style in the Middle Ages .

  25. 中世纪西欧骑士文学中的典雅爱情

    The Refined Love in the Cavalier Literature of West Europe during the Medieval Ages

  26. 从施洛塞尔看维也纳学派的历史和传承《特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达》&乔叟对中世纪宫廷爱情文学传统的继承与超越

    The History and Academic Inheritance of the Vienna School from the Aspect of Schlosser Troilus and Criseyde : Chaucer and Courtly Love Tradition

  27. 中世纪的历史、文学等

    Medieval history , literature , etc

  28. (杰弗雷·乔叟:英国文学之父,被公认为中世纪最伟大的英国诗人)她热爱中世纪文学,最欣赏乔叟。

    She loves medieval literature ; Chaucer 's her favorite .

  29. 通过分析中世纪史诗的题材内容,可以进一步了解欧洲文学的发展脉络,较为客观地评价中世纪文学在欧洲文学史上的地位。

    An analysis of the theme and content of the medieval epic provides a further understanding of the development of the European literature and a more objective evaluation of the position of the medieval epic in the history of the European literature .