
  1. 《唐诗三百首》是中华文化史上一部影响深远的书。

    On history of Chinese culture , 300 Tang Shi has a great influence .

  2. 先秦巫道研究对于中华文化史,特别是文明的起源,包括汉字的起源研究具有极为重要的意义。

    A research into the witchcraft in the pre-Qin Dynasty is extremely important to the researches on the history of Chinese culture , especially the origins of civilization , including the origins of Chinese characters .

  3. 老子是诸子之一,前秦诸子之书是我国先民思想和智慧的结晶,其思想可以说奠定了几千年中华文化史的基础。

    Lao-zi is one of Pre-Chin philosophers , The books of Pre-Chin philosophers are crystallization of ancient ideas and wisdom , To a certain extent , their thought is foundation for thousands of years Chinese culture history .

  4. 墨家学说是中华民族文化史上一笔巨大的精神财富。

    The Mohism is a spiritual wealth in the Chinese nation culture history .

  5. 其历史之久、推行之广、影响之深在中华思想文化史上都是难得的。

    It was essential in the history of thought and culture in China because of its long duration and wide impact .

  6. 契丹文文学在辽代的崛起与发展,是中华民族文化史上一个十分引人注目的文学现象。

    The rise and development of the Kitai literature in Liao Dynasty was a kind of conspicuous phenomenon in Chinese cultural history .

  7. 中国是茶的故乡,而中国古代的茶具,在中华民族文化史中占有重要的一席之地。

    China is the hometown of the tea , and the ancient tea sets occupy an important place in the history of the Chinese culture .

  8. 朝鲜族悠久的历史和灿烂的民族文化在中华民族文化史上占有一定的地位,而其特殊的长短节奏是朝鲜族民族音乐的标志。

    Korean long history and splendid culture in the history of Chinese culture holds a certain position , and its special " length " Rhythm is a symbol of Korean folk music .

  9. 文章最后从三个方面论述了春秋人文主义思潮的特点,还从三个方面论述了春秋思想文化在中华文化发展史上的地位和作用。

    At last , the dissertation discusses the characteristics of the ideological trends of humanism in the Spring and Autumn Period and the position and influence of the the ideology and culture in Chinese culture development history from 3 aspects .

  10. 在中国民间剪纸从未间断的文化史进程中,为我们留下了极为丰富的图形遗产,这些图形自远古就传承下来,可以说是一部中华民族文化史的缩影。

    In Chinese folk paper-cut has never been continuous cultural history in the process , left us with a very rich heritage graphics , these graphics on the tradition from time immemorial down , can be said that a Chinese cultural history in miniature .

  11. 中华媒介生态文化史的三个维度

    A study of the three dimensions of the cultural history of Chinese media ecotype

  12. 孔子仁爱思想是中华民族思想文化史中最为灿烂的部分之一,对促进高校德育工作,提高大学生的身心修养境界,塑造大学生高尚的道德情操,有着一定的现实意义。

    Confucius love thought is the Chinese nation ideological culture part of the most brilliant , the moral education in colleges and universities to promote , improving the students ' physical and mental accomplishment realm , shaping the students moral sentiment , have certain practical significance .

  13. 《徐霞客游记》是中华文化的宝典,也是代表中国文化的20部杰作之一,徐霞客也被列入中国40位古今文化名人之一。足见他在中华文化史上的重要地位。

    Xu had his special status in history : his book is regarded as one of the 20 masterpieces representing Chinese culture , and he has its name on the list of 40 celebrities in modern and ancient times .