
  • 网络The Calgary Zoo
  1. 卡尔加里动物园一直从中国进口新鲜竹子,但是自从3月份大部分航班受疫情影响停飞以来,就一直面临竹子供应的难题。

    The Calgary Zoo had been importing fresh bamboo from China , but struggled to meet the pandas needs when the coronavirus grounded most flights in March .

  2. 11月27日,卡尔加里动物园表示,经过“数月的努力”,终于拿到了国际通行证,“把我们喜爱的大熊猫送回家”。

    The zoo said on Friday that after " months and months of hard work " it had secured international permits " to get our beloved pandas home to China " .

  3. 今年5月,卡尔加里动物园宣布,他们不得不提前四年把这两只大熊猫送回国,这样它们就可以在中国享用到足够多的新鲜竹子了。

    In May , the zoo announced it would have to return the two animals four years earlier than planned so that they could enjoy China 's abundant supply of fresh bamboo instead .

  4. 卡尔加里动物园表示,他们的工作人员与圣地亚哥动物园以及阳光海岸护育基地合作安排每周新鲜竹子的运送,但寻找合适的竹子品种费时又费钱。

    The zoo said staff worked with the San Diego Zoo and Suncoast Nursery to arrange weekly shipments of fresh bamboo , but the process of finding the right bamboo has been expensive and time-consuming .