
  • 网络Hotel Carlton;Carlton;the carlton hotel
  1. 维多利亚·贝克汉姆于周二离开兹卡尔顿酒店,携两岁半的幼子克鲁兹准备离开巴黎。

    Victoria Beckham leaves her The Ritz Carlton hotel on Tuesday and prepares to depart from Paris with youngest son Cruz , 2 1 / 2 .

  2. 昨天我在卡尔顿酒店参加了一场销售培训会议。[qh]我认为那里非常适合举行你们筹办的股东大会。

    I was at the Carlton Hotel yesterday for a sales training meeting . [ qh ] I thought it would be a very suitable place to hold the shareholders ' meeting you 're arranging .

  3. 大通为英国航空公司和丽思卡尔顿酒店等旅游相关公司提供了自有品牌的芯片卡。

    Chase offers a chip - enabled card under its own brand and several others for travel-related companies such as British Airways and Ritz-Carlton .

  4. 我很开心地看着眼前的西红柿。听说布朗的格鲁夫农场是杰克达斯蒂餐厅的供应商之一,我变得更加高兴。杰克达斯蒂餐厅是萨拉索塔丽思卡尔顿酒店新开张的一家餐厅——我运气真好——那天晚上我正计划去那吃晚饭。

    Delighted as I was by the tomatoes in sight , my happiness deepened when I learned that Brown 's Grove Farm is one of the suppliers for Jack Dusty , a newly opened restaurant at the Sarasota Ritz Carlton , where — luckily for me — I was planning to have dinner that very night .

  5. 万豪国际集团旗下拥有许多豪华品牌,包括丽思卡尔顿酒店酒店(Ritz-Carlton)。

    Marriott ( MAR ) has a lot of luxury brands , including Ritz-Carlton .

  6. 该公司在莫斯科特维尔大街的丽思卡尔顿酒店(Ritz-CarltonHotel)设立了流动销售办事处,每天有数十名亿万富翁穿过该酒店大堂。

    A kind of traveling sales office was set up at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel on Moscow 's Tverskaya Street , where dozens of billionaires pass through the lobby each day .

  7. 在高档场所,如北京丽思卡尔顿酒店(Ritz-Carlton),一瓶50年茅台陈酿的价格高达78888元(约合12700美元)。

    At upscale locations such as the Ritz-Carlton in Beijing , a 50-year Vintage goes for $ 78,888 yuan ( about $ 12,700 USD ) per bottle .

  8. 上海波特曼丽思卡尔顿酒店(PortmanRitz-Carlton)食品和饮料经理克里斯卡明斯基(KrisKaminsky)表示,该酒店今年希望销售约2万盒自产月饼。

    Kris Kaminsky , the food and beverage manager at the Portman Ritz-Carlton in Shanghai , says the hotel expects to sell about 20,000 of its boxes this year .

  9. 姚明此次访问北京是为了宣传以自己名字命名的葡萄酒。在丽思卡尔顿酒店(RitzCarlton)的一个私人晚宴上,姚明说他不曾就到中国打球一事和麦蒂谈过话。麦蒂曾是姚明在休斯顿火箭队的队友。

    Visiting Beijing to promote his eponymous wine at a private dinner at the Ritz Carlton , Yao said he hadn 't spoken with McGrady , his former teammate in Houston , about coming to China .

  10. 11月,棕榈滩(PalmBeach)的阿鲁巴丽思卡尔顿酒店(Ritz-Carlton,Aruba)将庆祝开业一周年。这里的特大床有限海景房2月份的价格是每晚近729美元,5月份的价格是每晚339美元。

    A stay at the Ritz-Carlton , Aruba on Palm Beach , which celebrated its first anniversary in November , costs nearly $ 729 a night in February versus $ 339 a night in May for a room with a king bed and limited ocean view .

  11. 为确保持续增长,万豪热切希望能够吸引更为年轻的顾客,并弥补其损失,因为在经济衰退期间,商旅人士放弃了万豪旗下高端的丽思卡尔顿酒店(Ritz-Carlton)。

    In order to keep growth moving forward , Marriott has been keen to lure a younger clientele and to make up for the losses it took during the recession when business travelers turned away from the high-end Ritz-Carlton chain , which it also owns .

  12. 混乱与和谐&丽嘉卡尔顿酒店的组织变革与团队管理案例

    Chaos vs. Harmony-Structural Change and Team Management in Ritz-Carlton Hotel

  13. 衷心感谢您关注丽思卡尔顿酒店。

    Thank you for your interest in the ritz-carlton .

  14. 还有的管家专为丽思卡尔顿酒店等众多豪华酒店的富豪贵客服务。

    Butlers also cater to well-heeled guests at Ritz-Carlton and many other luxury hotels .

  15. 从某种意义上说,这正是丽思卡尔顿酒店在香港所面临的挑战。

    In a sense , this is the challenge Ritz-Carlton faces in Hong Kong .

  16. 香港丽思卡尔顿酒店拥有全港最大的宴会厅之一,占地930平方米。

    The Ritz-Carlton , Hong Kong has one of the largest ballrooms in the city at930sqm .

  17. 洲际酒店、威斯汀酒店和丽思-卡尔顿酒店今年也将在此开设新店。

    Additional InterContinental , Westin and Ritz-Carlton hotels are to open in the area this year .

  18. 被盗珠宝是珠宝商利维夫在卡尔顿酒店大厅展览的珠宝之一。

    The jewels were part of a collection by the jeweler Leviev displayed in the Carlton 's lobby .

  19. 丽思卡尔顿酒店和万豪酒店都是外国人经常光顾的酒店。两家酒店的爆炸相隔时间不过数分钟。

    The Ritz-Carlton and the Marriott , both frequented by foreigners , were hit within a few minutes of each other .

  20. 北京金融街丽思卡尔顿酒店将于今秋季在北京市中心最新崛起的金融区开业。

    The Ritz-Carlton Beijing , Financial Street will open this fall in the heart of the capital city 's newly emerging financial district .

  21. 丽思卡尔顿酒店的管家帮她和其他伴娘整理好了礼服,帮着准备了小点心,并陪着她们去参加了设在附近的一个晚宴。

    Her Ritz-Carlton butler pressed her and other bridesmaids ' dresses , helped prepare refreshments and chaperoned the group to a nearby dinner party .

  22. 走进新丽思卡尔顿酒店的任何地方,见到的员工都显得彬彬有礼,与以前的老店员工并无二致。

    Everywhere I went in the new Ritz-Carlton , I encountered staff trying to be as obliging as the old Ritz staff used to be .

  23. 香港丽思卡尔顿酒店是丽思卡尔顿品牌在全球第75间酒店及在亚洲的第16间酒店。

    The Ritz-Carlton , Hong Kong is the newest addition to the brand 's growing global portfolio of75 luxury properties and its16th hotel in Asia .

  24. 近日,深圳星河丽思卡尔顿酒店在《新旅行》杂志举办了2010年度高端酒店评选中荣获年度“最佳商务酒店”大奖。

    Recently , the Ritz-Carlton , Shenzhen won the Best Business Hotel Award in the2010 Voyage Hotel & Resort Awards , which was held by Voyage .

  25. 设计之事暂且不提,奇怪的是,新丽思卡尔顿酒店的主要症结就是它自诩的最大看点酒店的最高层达海拔490米。

    Design aside , the main problem with the new Ritz-Carlton is , surprisingly , its biggest bragging point that its highest floor is 490m above sea level .

  26. 爆炸似乎来自酒店内部,丽思卡尔顿酒店的前后窗均被炸掉,玻璃和碎片被炸到街道上。

    The explosions appear to have come from inside the buildings , with both the front and back windows of the Ritz Carlton blown off , spreading glass and debris across the street .

  27. 和北京丽思卡尔顿酒店古典主风不同的是,设在顶层的水疗健身中心充满当代设计元素。

    While most of The Ritz-Carlton , Beijing is classic in its d é cor , at the top of the building the feel is considerably more contemporary in the fitness center and spa .

  28. 随着在过去两年多时间里的中国五家新酒店陆续开业和深圳星河丽思卡尔顿酒店的开业,进一步证明了丽思卡尔顿在中国的非凡发展历程。

    The opening of this hotel further demonstrates the exceptional brand growth of The Ritz-Carlton in China , with five new luxury hotels having opened in the space of slightly more than two years .

  29. 身为喜剧演员的克里斯。罗克也在这部动画片中担当配音角色,在卡尔顿酒店突堤后部举行的活动中,他同宋飞相互戏虐,并声称自己是宋飞的前辈。

    Comedian actor Chris Rock , who also serves as a voice in the film , compered the event from the end of the Carlton Pier , engaging Seinfeld in banter just prior to his descent .

  30. 案件发生在戛纳滨海区奢华的卡尔顿酒店,这里是阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克1955年拍摄爱情悬疑片《捉贼记》的地点,电影由加里·格兰特与格蕾丝·凯莉主演。

    It took place at the luxurious Carlton Hotel on the seafront in Cannes , the very spot where Alfred Hitchcock filmed his 1955 romantic thriller " To Catch a Thief " starring Cary Grant and Grace Kelly .