
  • 网络Casey;Kasser;Cassie;cassel
  1. 鲁索开车把我从特里卡塞波尔图的岩石海岸送到了这里。在特里卡塞波尔图,我曾驻足与平面设计师安娜·瓜里尼(AnnaGuarini)闲聊。

    Russo has driven me here from the rockier coast of Tricase Porto , where I stopped to chat with the graphic artist Anna Guarini .

  2. CasteldiSalve这款葡萄酒是爱德华多的兄弟弗朗切斯科·温斯皮尔(FrancescoWinspeare)生产的。(弗朗切斯科还和导演泰勒·海克福德[TaylorHackford]一起,在附近的特里卡塞开了一家葡萄酒酒吧。)站在露台上的时候,很容易就能想象出当年商铺林立的景象。

    The wine , Castel di Salve , is made by Francesco Winspeare , Edoardo 's brother ( and co-owner , with the director Taylor Hackford , of a wine bar in nearby Tricase ) . From the terrace , one can all but touch the arcades . "

  3. 简评卡塞的《连接的言语:句法与音系学的相互作用》

    Connected speech : the interaction of syntax and phonology .

  4. 就是这些你将银行卡塞进去就能给你吐出钱来的自动取款机。

    these tellers that you put in a card and they give you money ,

  5. 实践证明,旋转加料器经改进后,叶轮卡塞得到了有效的解决。

    As fact showed that this problem has been solved after the feeder is improved .

  6. 自动文档送纸器卡塞。请清除卡塞,然后按前面板上的选择/继续按钮

    Automatic Document Feeder Jam . Clear the Jam then press Select / Resume on the front panel

  7. 非洲东中部包括卡塞河流域的长毛黑猩猩;与中部黑猩猩近缘。

    Long-haired chimpanzees of east-central Africa including the Gombe-Kasakela population ; closely related to the central chimpanzees .

  8. 本文针对牧草烘干机旋转加料器叶轮卡塞的问题,分析了加料器的工作特性和卡塞原因,并提出了改进设计的方法。

    Tn the light of the problem that the rotary valve feeder of the forage dryer wedge , this paper analysed the working characteristics and wedge reason of it and presented a reform-design measure .

  9. 欧洲文学中,尤其是欧洲15世纪的传奇文学,反复提到马可波罗故事中的名字,反复提到“卡塞”华北、“卡姆布莱克”北京以及诸如此类的名称。

    The European literature , and especially the European romance of the fifteenth century , echoes with the names of Marco polo 's stow , with Cathay North China and cambulac Peking and the like .

  10. 博士毕业生的确比本科生薪酬高,《高等教育政策管理》杂志刊登了卡塞的一项研究,在英国,大学毕业生比未上大学者收入高14%。

    PhD graduates do at least earn more than those with a bachelor 's degree . A study in the Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management by Bernard Casey shows that British men with a bachelor 's degree earn 14 % more than those who could have gone to university but chose not to .