
  • 网络jarvis;Hugo Chavez
  1. 查维斯虽然没有受过多少教育,但并不笨。

    Though an uneducated man , Chavez was not a stupid one .

  2. 这个广场是为纪念领导农场工人进行劳工运动的拉美裔领袖查维斯而建。

    The park honors the Latino who led the farm worker labor movement .

  3. 美国白宫对另一位查维斯,再次连任委内瑞拉总统的查维斯表示了祝贺。

    The White House congratulated another Chavez , the reelected president of Venezuela .

  4. 查维斯鼓励雇员和管理层一起工作来帮助提高产量。

    Chavez is encouraging employees to work with management to assist in improving production .

  5. 在查维斯演讲的时候,会议厅美国的主要座位都是空的。

    The main U.S. seat in the assembly hall was empty as Chavez spoke .

  6. 让你的外貌符合潮流,查维斯说,你也就显得更年轻、更时髦。

    By keeping your look current , says Chavez , you also look younger and more modern .

  7. 今年查维斯宣布自己还没有恢复,而他于上个月再次当选。

    This year Chaves declared he had recovered from pelvic cancer , and he was reelected last month .

  8. 很多人如查维斯和委内瑞拉,现在正开始抓住该梦想的一部分。

    Many such as Chavez and Venezuela are beginning to catch portion of this dream in the now .

  9. 墨西哥著名作曲家卡洛斯。查维斯被公认为是20世纪世界重要作曲家之一。

    The famous Mexican composer Carlos Chavez is publicly considered as one of the most prominent composers in the20th century .

  10. 查维斯表示伊朗是个主权国,因此它有享有发展和平原子能技术的权利。

    Chavez says that Iran has the right to a peaceful atomic energy industry because it is a sovereign state .

  11. 鲁布蒂娜是查维斯最好的朋友5年前送给他的礼物,那时它还是一只小狗。

    He was given Louboutina as a gift by his best friend five years ago , when she was just a puppy .

  12. 鲁布蒂娜的主人凯撒·费尔南德斯-查维斯将这些图片都转发到它的个人主页上,该主页现在已有数千名粉丝了。

    The images are all re-tweeted by her owner Cesar Fernandez-Chavez on Louboutina 's own page , which now has thousands of followers .

  13. 查维斯找到了(适的)业模式正在将国家改变,这将使他的国民最终达到中产阶级的生活层次。

    Chavez is turning his nation around by finding ways to create businesses that will ultimately turn the country into a middle class lifestyle .

  14. 观察家说,委内瑞拉学术界和该国总统乌戈•查韦斯之间的紧张关系在查维斯批评了该国科学家之后进一步升级。

    Tension between Venezuelan academics and their president , Hugo Ch á vez , has mounted further after Ch á vez criticised the country 's scientists , say observers .

  15. 查维斯说她的波赛圈在她读大一的时候特别有帮助,因为当时她想念远在七小时车程之外的芝加哥家人,同时还要苦修难懂的微积分课程。

    Chavez said her posse was particularly helpful when she was a freshman , missing her family in Chicago a seven-hour drive away and tackling a difficult calculus class .