
  • 网络Altman;Altmann;Sam Altman
  1. 阿尔特曼提出,泡沫经济在一定程度上是幻觉。

    Dr Altmann argues that the bubble economy was partly an illusion .

  2. 阿尔特曼指出,一般说来,出借人年龄较大,而借款人较为年轻。

    In general , lenders would be older , as Dr Altmann notes , and borrowers younger .

  3. 本论文的基本思想就是在阿尔特曼的Z值判别模型的基础上,引入主成分分析,提出一种新的建立财务失败预警模型的方法。

    On the basis of the Edward I Altman 's Z-score discriminate model which is widely used in the west , this article establishes a new predicting model of corporation financial failure by adopting principle components analysis and the modern theory of Financial Management .

  4. 与他人合作创立投行艾维克合伙人公司(EvercorePartners)并曾担任财政部副部长的罗杰•阿尔特曼也是乌伊梅基金资助项目的受益者。同样的还有雷•达里奥,他创办了资产管理巨头桥水联合基金(BridgewaterAssociates)。

    Roger Altman , co-founder of investment bank Evercore Partners ( EVR ) and a former deputy Treasury secretary , was aOuimet Fund scholar , as was Ray Dalio , founder of money-management powerhouse Bridgewater Associates .

  5. 正如阿尔特曼与史密瑟斯所指出的,通过推高资产价格鼓励支出,显然有可能引发另一轮奥地利经济学派所谓的“不善投资”。

    As both Dr Altmann and Mr Smithers note , encouraging spending by raising asset prices evidently risks creating another round of what Austrian economists label " malinvestment " .

  6. 罗斯•阿尔特曼博士解释说,休“空档年”的银发旅行者通常想和伴侣一起单独享受这一探险旅程。阿尔特曼是一位理财大师,为50岁以上人群的旅游提供指导。

    Dr Ros Altmann , director of over-50s travel and finance specialists Saga , explained that grey gappers typically want to leave their children behind and enjoy the adventure with their spouse .