
  • 网络Rinaldi
  1. 里纳尔迪承认国米是这名现年31岁的中场选手最有可能加盟的球队,但他不排除其他可能性。

    Rinaldi admitted that Inter was the most likely destination for the31-year-old but refused to rule out other interest .

  2. 里纳尔迪,但很快消失的图片作为凯瑟琳和亨利成为参与制订游戏的诱惑。

    Rinaldi , however , quickly fades from the picture as Catherine and Henry become involved in an elaborate game of seduction .

  3. 这名巴西人的合同将在这个赛季结束时到期,他的经纪人里纳尔迪确认球员将不会续约。

    The Brazilian 's contract expires at the end of this season and his agent Gilmar Rinaldi confirmed that he would not be penning a new deal .

  4. 下面的春天,他返回到前面,亨利满足凯瑟琳巴克利,英语护士的助手在附近的医院和英国利益的爱他的朋友里纳尔迪。

    The following spring , upon his return to the front , Henry meets Catherine Barkley , an English nurse 's aide at the nearby British hospital and the love interest of his friend Rinaldi .