
  • 网络ritchie;Ricky;Ricci;RIDGID;Lionel Richie
  1. 在过去三年里每个从l里奇学校毕业的学生都接着就读了大学。

    Every single student who graduated from Ricci 's school in the last three years went on to college .

  2. 克里斯蒂娜•里奇、玛莎•斯图尔特和艾丽西娅•凯斯说,自从前几年她们被PETA点名后,就再也没穿过皮草。

    Christina Ricci , Martha Stewart and Alicia Keys have said they 've given up wearing fur since being singled out by PETA in previous years .

  3. 里奇并非在摆样子,只是他的吉他弹得声音很小罢了。

    Richey 's not miming , he 's playing very quiet guitar

  4. 里奇先生每周将就美国社会与文化发表两篇评论文章。

    Mr Rich will be writing a twice-weekly commentary on American society and culture .

  5. 之后又过了十年多一点,里奇发明了C语言。

    A little over a decade later Mr Ritchie created C.

  6. c语言是由贝尔实验室的里奇在1972年发展出来的。

    C was developed by Dennis M. Ritchie of Bell Laboratories in 1972 .

  7. 里奇o德沃尔还负责我们的DesignKitchen项目,这是个加强版的技术工作室。

    And then Rich DeVaul also runs the Design Kitchen for us , which is sort of a tech shop on steroids .

  8. 一个例子是被称为RNA领带俱乐部(RNATieClub)的组织,里奇就是其中的成员。

    One good example was something called the RNA Tie Club , of which Rich was a member .

  9. 1943年的12月,乔治.里奇(GeorgeRitchie)死于肺炎。

    In December , 1943 , George Ritchie died of pneumonia .

  10. 据E!报道,龙森会见了里奇并共进晚餐(在周一晚上),并在不久后发出分手短信。

    According to E !, Ronson met up with Richie for dinner on Monday night and sent the supposed Dear Jane text shortly after .

  11. 最重要的是,《TheHardCase》吸引了斯汀的妻子朱蒂•斯蒂勒的注意,随后她投资了盖•里奇的第一部电影《两杆大烟枪》。

    Most important , The Hard Case attracted the attention of Sting 's wife , Trudie Styler , who invested into his first feature film , Lock , Stock and Two Smoking Barrels .

  12. 里奇经过了很多年很多年的试错才终于通过X射线晶体学的手段,证实了克里克和沃森研究发现的双螺旋结构是正确的。

    It took many years of trial and error before Rich proved , through X-ray crystallography , that the Crick and Watson double helix structure was correct .

  13. 他还有两个女儿伊诺娜•沙赫特-里奇(IlonaSchachter-Rich)和丹妮尔•基尔斯托克•里奇(DanielleKilstockRich)在世。

    He is survived by his daughters , Ilona Schachter-Rich and Danielle Kilstock Rich .

  14. 与里奇关系紧密的麻省理工科学家菲利普·夏普(PhillipSharp)写道,亚历山大度过了丰富而重要的一生。

    Alex lived a rich and important life , wrote Phillip Sharp , a scientist at M.I.T. who was close to him .

  15. 大约10年前,我的一位前同事劳拉•里奇曾写过一本书:《意外的超级富豪:揭开保罗•艾伦的神秘面纱》(TheAccidentalZillionaire:DemystifyingPaulAllen)。

    Almost ten years ago , Laura rich , a former colleague of mine , wrote the accidental zillionaire : Demystifying Paul Allen .

  16. 由美国前劳工部长罗伯特?里奇等人创建的开明智库经济政策研究所(EconomicPolicyInstitute)本周三在自己的网站上刊登了一篇评论,开篇第一段就扼要地论述了这样做的目的所在:

    The first paragraph of the commentaryposted Wednesday on the website of the Economic Policy Institute , a liberal think tank founded by , among others , Clinton-era labor secretary Robert Reich , lays out the thrust of the argument pretty succinctly :

  17. 他还在盖?里奇的《大侦探福尔摩斯》系列电影中扮演医生华生,他出演的HBO电视剧《年轻的教宗》目前正在播出。

    He also plays Doctor Watson in Guy Ritchie 's Sherlock Holmes films and can currently be seen in HBO 's The Young Pope .

  18. 他说,风险投资公司Benchmark的投资人比尔o科尔利曾经致电Zillow公司董事长里奇o巴顿,询问他对Twitter的看法。

    It started , he said , when Benchmark investor Bill Gurley called Zillow Chairman Rich Barton to ask his opinion of Twitter .

  19. 二十世纪五十年代,里奇在菲布罗遇到了自己的商业伙伴、绰号Pinky的平卡斯•格林(PincusGreen,其后也被克林顿赦免)。

    There , in the 1950s , Rich met his business partner Pincus Pinky Green ( who was also later pardoned by Mr Clinton ) .

  20. 与此同时,里奇还进入其他领域开展多元化经营。他与实业家马文•戴维斯(MarvinDavis)联手,于1981年收购了二十世纪福克斯(20thCenturyFox)。后来,他的股份被出售给了鲁珀特•默多克(RupertMurdoch)。

    Meanwhile , he was diversifying into other sectors , buying 20th Century Fox in 1981 with industrialist Marvin Davis ( a stake later sold to Rupert Murdoch ) .

  21. 里奇•莫兰曾担任埃森哲咨询公司(Accenture)顾问,同时也是硅谷的风险投资老手,现任咨询与招聘公司AccretiveSolutions(总部位于芝加歌)CEO。

    A former Accenture ( ACN ) consultant and longtime Silicon Valley venture capitalist , Moran is CEO of accretive solutions , a Chicago-based consulting and recruiting firm .

  22. 二十世纪五十年代,里奇在菲布罗遇到了自己的商业伙伴、绰号“Pinky”的平卡斯•格林(PincusGreen,其后也被克林顿赦免)。

    There , in the 1950s , Rich met his business partner Pincus " Pinky " Green ( who was also later pardoned by Mr Clinton ) .

  23. 近年来,里奇迪略一直与OculusVR公司合作,致力于整合“联合5”平台和Oculus的开发工具�

    In recent years , Riccitiello has been working with Oculus VR to integrate its Unity 5 platform into the Oculus development kit .

  24. 里奇与景观设计师马克・莫里森(MarkMorrison)、一群工程师、建造工和有机耕种农夫展开合作,在其价值480万美元的顶层公寓的屋顶打造了一个面积为2000平方英尺(约合185平米)、采用大楼的再生水进行灌溉的花园。

    With landscape architect Mark Morrison and a team of engineers , fabricators and organic farmers , Mr. Rich has created a 2000-square-foot garden irrigated with recycled building water on the rooftop of his $ 4.8 million penthouse .

  25. TAE的总部设在澳大利亚昆士兰州的安伯丽,靠近一个大型的澳大利亚空军基地,TAE在布里斯班、纽卡斯尔、里奇蒙德和库塔曼德拉都设有分理处。

    It is based at Amberley in Queensland , near a big Royal Australian Air Force base , with business units located at Brisbane Airport , Newcastle , Richmond and now Cootamundra .

  26. 在接受热门博客CultofMac采访时,行业刊物《DataCenterKnowledge》编辑里奇•米勒(RichMiller)表示,苹果这个数据中心单栋建筑的占地规模达到了50万平方英尺,是全球最大的数据中心之一。

    In an interview with Cult of Mac , Rich Miller , editor of trade publication Data Center Knowledge , said that site plans indicate that Apple 's center will be some 500000 square feet in one building , making it one of the largest of its kind .

  27. 在里奇的一生中,遇到过阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(AlbertEinstein),曾在莱纳斯·鲍林(LinusPauling)手下工作,认识克里克、沃森以及利奥·西拉德(LeoSzilard)和理查德·费曼(RichardFeynman)等等伟大的物理学家。

    In his lifetime , he met Albert Einstein , worked under Linus Pauling , and knew everyone from Crick and Watson to the great physicists Leo Szilard and Richard Feynman .

  28. 我总是喜欢有时听到别人说‘噢,RFU过度商业化了’,里奇说。

    I always love it sometimes when you get this ' oh , the overly commercial RFU ', says Mr Ritchie .

  29. 直到里奇开始为菲布罗(PhilippBrothers,简称Phibro)工作时,他才开始展现出他在自己父亲手下干活时学到的商业技巧。菲布罗是一家经营石油、谷物和金属的大宗商品交易商。

    But the proving ground for the business skills he acquired while working for his father was Philipp Brothers - Phibro - the oil , grain and metals trader .

  30. 克里斯蒂娜•里奇、玛莎•斯图尔特和艾丽西娅•凯斯说,自从前几年她们被PETA点名后,就再也没穿过皮草。善待动物组织号召人们登陆FurIsDead网站对年度最差穿着名人进行投票。

    Christina Ricci , Martha Stewart and Alicia Keys have said they 've given up wearing fur since being singled out by PETA in previous years . PETA asked people to vote on the Web site Fur Is Dead .