
  • 网络landlady
  1. 女店主过来接待我。

    The landlady came over to serve me .

  2. “巧极了,我们早已给过她了,先生!”女店主听了很高兴,就这样说了。

    " Why , that 's exactly what we 've done , sir !" said the delighted landlady .

  3. 女店主们以她们特有的谄媚方式向她献殷勤

    The landladies paid court to her , in the obsequious way landladies have .

  4. 令我深感意外的是,这个女店主我似乎在哪儿见过。

    Surprisingly , I seemed to have seen her somewhere before .

  5. 女店主的脸上还是没有任何表情。

    The owner showed no compromise in her face .

  6. 这未能使这位喜欢寻根究底的女店主感到满足。

    This did not quite satisfy the penetrating mistress .

  7. 热情的女店主。

    An ebullient woman shop-owner .

  8. 女店主显然已经躲到幕后去上菜了,但这个新来的女孩看上去一点儿也不失望。

    The hostess had definitely dished behind the scenes , and this new girl didn 't look disappointed .

  9. 女店主和客栈里好心肠的人们大声为他们祝福,希望他们一路平安。

    The landlady and all the good folks of the inn screaming out their good wishes and farewells .

  10. 我们还未踏进门内,笑盈盈的女店主就从沙发上站了起来。

    The moment we stepped into the parlor , the female owner was smiling and rising from the sofa .

  11. 女店主笑着说,这套裙子特好卖,只剩最后一套了。

    The owner told us that the skirt was a best-seller and she only had the last one in her shop .

  12. 我恍然大悟,怪不得我一进店,就觉得这个女店主好像在哪见过。

    I came to understand the whole matter right away . No wonder I felt acquainted with the owner when I entered the shop .

  13. 妻子满有把握地对我说:“就凭女店主以前对我们的信任,只要和她一谈,她准答应让我们先把裙子拿回家。”

    My wife told me with full confidence ," Based on the trust she bestowed upon us in the past , as long as we talked to her sincerely , she was bound to let us take the shirt back home first . "

  14. 假如你是位于德国柏林市中心的一家女内衣商店店主,而且你想告诉公众你卖的内衣有多好——那就让他们看看,穿在你的顾客身上,效果有多好。

    So you 're a lingerie store in the heart of Berlin , Germany , and you want to show the general public how nice your lingerie is - by showing how nice it would look on your customers .