
nǚ zhōng yīn
  • mezzo;mezzo-soprano
女中音[nǚ zhōng yīn]
  1. 她成了一名专业的女中音歌手。

    She became a professional mezzo-soprano .

  2. 在消防监控界面中,语音信号的适宜语声为女中音。

    The appropriate tune for fire information display interface was mezzo-soprano .

  3. 受过良好的芭蕾舞训练,很强的舞蹈功底;女中音。

    Very strong dancers with extensive ballet training , ensemble Mezzo .

  4. 中国女中音声乐发展的现状与提高途径

    The Developing Status Quo of Mezzo-soprano in China and Improving Approaches

  5. 绪论主要是论述女中音声乐文献研究的理论依据以及学术意义及其现实意义。

    Research theory basis as well as academic significance and practical significance .

  6. 女中音声音特质的美学思考

    Aesthetic Thought on the Trait of a Voice of Mezzo-soprano

  7. 女中音是一个比较稀有而且难以训练的声部。

    The mezzo-soprano is a rare musical part , which trains with difficulty .

  8. 她一度是个有好嗓子的、风格奔放的女中音歌手。

    She was a large mezzo-soprano who 'd once had a good voice .

  9. 这个角色给了一个杰出的女中音。

    A leading Mezzo Soprano was given the part .

  10. 总结出促进中国歌剧发展也加强了女中音的科学性和民族性。

    Summed up to promote the development of Chinese opera is also stronger reinforcing Alto scientific sex and nationality .

  11. 他师从著名女中音歌唱家、原上海乐团艺术顾问董爱琳教授。

    He studied vocalism under professor Ailin Dong , a famous mezzo-soprano and the music advisor of Shanghai Philharmonic .

  12. 她的成功也对当代女中音的发展和声乐的发展有很多有益的启发。

    We can derive great inspirations from her success for the development of both modern mezzo-soprano and vocal art .

  13. 还有一些女中音其实是因为一些原因而没解决好高音的女高音声部。

    Besides , some mezzo-sopranos are actually the treble soprano musical part , because some reasons does not solved .

  14. 女中音作为有着独特个性的声部,她音色醇厚柔美、纯净而富于变化,具有特殊的音质和音色。

    Mezzo-soprano is a special voice part which can show the rich , beautiful , pure and changeable tone-color and timber .

  15. 整章分为两大部分,由女中音文字文献的和音像文献两部分组成。

    An entire Chapter are divided into two parts , by the mezzo-soprano and audiovisual documentation of literature composed of two parts .

  16. 本文是一篇对改革开放以来中国女中音文献进行研究与思考的论文。

    This article is a paper on Chinese mezzo-soprano literature research and thinking of the article , since reform and opening up .

  17. 而二重唱的演唱形式,则大胆的将美声男高音、民族女中音有机结合。

    The duo 's singing form , the bold sound of the tenor of the United States , national organic combination of mezzo-soprano .

  18. 女中音口和喉的能量只集中于1000~2000Hz之间(FR1能量值80.9%);

    Energy of oral cavity and larynx parts for mezzo-soprano concentrated between 1 000 ~ 2 000 Hz as well ( FR_1 energy value 80.9 % ) .

  19. 本文从演唱的角度结合女中音音质的特点和中国声乐作品自身特点,分两部分展开论述。

    This combination of mezzo-soprano from the point of singing voice quality features and characteristics of Chinese vocal music itself , in two parts to start on .

  20. 因此(六)在思想上形成一种完全准确的声音形象概念对女中音解决声区统一问题是极其重要的。

    Therefore , it is vital to form a correct voice visual conception in our mind to solve the problem in mezzo-soprano training in the article of section Six .

  21. 作曲家圣-桑一生共写了十三部歌剧作品,其中以《参孙与达莉拉》最为著名,是为数不多的以女中音为主角的歌剧作品之一。

    The composer Saint-Saens wrote 13 works on opera , the most famous one is ' Samson et Dalila ', that is one of the few opera in which the mezzo-soprano is leading actor .

  22. 其中,语声为女中音、主间隔为0.15-0.40S、语速为4-6字/s、句间隔为0.20-0.40s。

    The results showed that mezzo-soprano with 0 . 15-0 . 40 s main interval , 4-6 words / s speech speed , 0 . 20 - 0.40 s sentence interval were the design parameters .

  23. 本章分为两节,第一节主要是叙述我国女中音声乐发展的现状;第二节主要针对现状做深入的研究与思考。

    This chapter divides into two , first mainly narrates our country mezzo-soprano vocal music development present situation ; The second section mainly aims at the present situation to do the thorough research and the ponder .

  24. 三首咏叹调以其独特的旋律线条、宽广的音域、丰富的内容和角色,将女中音的形象展现给听众,并成为女中音歌唱家音乐会的保留曲目。

    Three arias are with unique melody lines , a broad diapason , and rich concert and roles , which show the image of mezzo-soprano to the audience , and become a repertoire of a concert of a mezzo-soprano singer .

  25. 通过作品也让最难训练的女中音声部的练习过程变得越发顺畅,这一部分咏叹调是女中音绝好的训练教材,在教学过程中应多加运用和推广。

    Through the works , it can lets the mezzo-soprano musical part practice process becomes much more smooth . This part of aria is exceedingly good training teaching material in mezzo-soprano . So we should apply and widely spread it in the teaching process .

  26. 对于音乐我只限于听女低音或女中音。

    I limit myself to music that 's for contralto or mezzo .

  27. 在声乐学习过程中,人们常常难以正确分辨女高音和女中音。

    During the period of vocal music learning , it is difficult to identify the soprano with the alto .

  28. 为长笛2,双簧管2,单簧管2,大管2,圆号2,短号2,女高音,女中音,男高音和弦乐组谱曲。

    Scored for2 flutes , 2 oboes , 2 clarinets , 2 bassoons , 2 horns , 2 trumpets , soprano , alto , tenor and strings .

  29. 《地平线》(第二交响曲)作于1985年,是叶小纲早期优秀的管弦乐作品。为女高音、男中音和交响乐队而作。

    Horizon was composed in 1985 , which is an early good orchestral work of Ye Xiaogang ' s. It was composed for soprano , baritone and orchestra .

  30. 声乐评分2独唱女高音的声音,2女中音独唱的声音,3男高音独唱,男中音独唱2,SATB合唱和钢琴伴奏。

    Vocal score for2 soprano voice solos , 2 mezzo soprano voice solos , 3 tenor voice solos , 2 baritone voice solos , SATB chorus and piano accompaniment . Series : G.Schirmer Opera Score Editions .