
mǒu wù
  • something;somewhat
某物 [mǒu wù]
  • (1) [somewhat]

  • (2) 某一确定的但未指明之物;一个未提名的但是肯定、具体或有意义的东西

  • (3) 某一不特指的、未决定的或不明确的东西

某物[mǒu wù]
  1. 在存在的范围里,当某物成为别物时,从而某物便消逝了。

    In the sphere of being , when somewhat becomes another , the somewhat has vanished .

  2. 某物由于它自己的质,第一是有限的,第二是变化的,因此有限性与变化性即属于某物的存在。

    Somewhat is by its quality , firstly finite , secondly alterable ; so that finitude and variability appertain to its being .

  3. 知道了某物的距离才能判断其高度。

    You can only judge how high something is when you know how far away it is

  4. 我们可以用测量法求得某物的体积。

    We can find the size of something by means of measurement .

  5. 在向别人要求某物的时候,我们也应该使用它。

    We are supposed to use it when we ask for something , too .

  6. 某人某物是否优异不取决于一人的好恶

    Excellences do not depend on a single man 's pleasure .

  7. 我可以用测量法求得某物的体积。

    I can find the size of something by means of measurement .

  8. 动词,典当、抵押某物。

    v. to pawn or mortgage something

  9. 字面意思:将某物装进袋中。例如杂物或食物。例句:

    Bag it : Literally1 , to put or take something in a bag , such as groceries or a meal .

  10. getinto意思是被卷入某事,或是对某物产生兴趣。

    To get into means to become involved or interested in something .

  11. runoversomething意思是开车轧过某人或某物。

    To run over something means to drive a vehicle over that person or thing .

  12. 如果你想描述某物或者某人的样子,用look(s)/看起来。

    If you want to describe how something or someone looks , use look ( s ) / look ( s ) e.g.

  13. 这部电影很有趣。Interested(人对某事或某物)感受到有兴趣的

    eg. The film is interesting .

  14. 例如,如果说某事某物forthebirds,指的是它毫无价值或不是很有趣。

    For example , if something is for the birds , it is worthless or not very interesting .

  15. bump的意思是偶然地碰撞某物并发出低沉的声音

    Bump means hitting something by accident and with a dull sound

  16. A是一个受B影响的某物,如果你不喜欢B对A的影响,你不想再用A了

    A is something that B has an effect on and if you dont like what B does to A , you dont want to use A anymore

  17. 动词“restore”的意思是通过修理和清理来使某物恢复到以前的状态。

    The verb " restore " means to return something to an earlier condition by repairing and cleaning it .

  18. 雇主们总是威胁要把我们遣送回国。Exp.carry(sb/sth)携带(某人某物)

    Eg. The employers always threaten to deport us to our own country .

  19. 如果你确实喜欢某物,你可以用更具强调性的动词love/爱来表示:Ilovechillies/我喜欢红辣椒:Ilovetheweekend/我喜欢周末:Iloveholidays/我喜欢假期。

    If you really like something , you can use the more emphatic verb love / love : I love chillies / I love chillies : I love the weekend / I love the weekend : I love holidays / I love holidays .

  20. “Crock”是一种非常不正式的表达意味着某物是错的,是一个谎言,你不应该相信。

    " Crock "( crock ) is a very informal expression meaning that something is false , something is a lie ; you should not believe this thing .

  21. Overtake是一个动词,意思是通过变得更好从而超过某物,或者指开车时的超车,也可以指赶上某人,来到某人的前面。

    Overtake is a verb . It can mean to go beyond something by being better , or if you 're driving to come from behind another vehicle or a person and move in front of it .

  22. 其中一个表达方式就是“deep-six”.意思是将某物藏起来或者放在找不到的地方。

    One of these is deep-six . It means to hide something or put it where it will not be found .

  23. 他总是撞击某物或经常摔倒么?

    Was he bumping into objects or falling down a lot ?

  24. 持有某物作为担保品的人。

    A person with whom something is deposited as a pledge .

  25. (使某物)弯曲或折断

    ( cause sth to ) become twisted or break under pressure

  26. 当我希望办某物,我办。

    When I want to do something , I do it .

  27. (对准某人[某物])猛力打去,猛烈攻击

    ( at sb / sth ) aim vigorous blows or attacks

  28. 区别于本身物质组成的某物的空间排列。

    The spatial arrangement of something as distinct from its substance .

  29. 以挤压的方式使某物移动

    Cause sth to move from one place to another by squeezing

  30. 强行补进,强行购入,强行买入强力进入或通过某物的行为。

    The act of forcing a way into or through something .