
mǒu rén
  • a certain person;some;as for me;somebody;person;little bird
某人 [mǒu rén]
  • (1) [a certain person]∶指一定的人,知道其名但不说出来

  • 我厂某人偷东西,我不点他的名字,他应坦白交代

  • (2) [some]∶一个不知道、不确定或不特指的人

  • 某人在敲我的门

  • (3) [as for me]∶用来代替自己的名字

  • 我张某人从来不骗人

某人[mǒu rén]
  1. 你欠某人一笔钱。

    You owe a certain person a sum of money

  2. 在某人身边注意言行,因为任何事情都可能使他爆发。

    To watch what you say or do around a certain person because anything might set him or her off .

  3. 某某人会去那儿吗?你知道,就是销售部的那个女的。

    Is thingummy going to be there ? You know , that woman from the Sales Department ?

  4. 你可以把最近见过的某人键入搜索引擎,看看在互联网上能查到什么相关信息。

    You can google someone you 've recently met to see what information is available about them on the Internet .

  5. 向警方举报某人将获重赏。

    There would be strong incentives to turn someone in

  6. 如果我告诉某人我不会辜负他的信任,我就会恪守诺言。

    When I tell someone I will not betray his confidence I keep my word

  7. 我知道她忍不住要将我和某人撮合到一块儿。

    I knew she wouldn 't be able to resist pairing me off with someone

  8. 你或许还记得,每一场的结尾要么是某人作沉思状,要么是某人故作深沉。

    You may remember the way each scene ended with someone looking pensive or significant .

  9. 没有比将某人姓名文到身上更绝妙的示爱方式了。

    There 's not greater gesture of love than having someone 's name tattooed on your body

  10. 可能在一个问题上与某人情投意合,在另一个问题上又意见相左。

    It 's possible to be bedfellows with someone on one issue , and at odds with them on another

  11. 如果想吸引住某人的注意力,就要直视他们的眼睛,但别死盯着。

    If you want to hold someone 's attention , look them directly in the eye but don 't stare

  12. 如果某人遭到长时间囚禁,他会因为他的经历而有所改变。

    If someone has been in captivity for a long time , he will have changed as a result of his experience

  13. 从法律上来说,如果老人生活不能自理,他可以指定某人为其代理事务。

    It is legally possible for an elderly person to nominate someone to act for them , should they become incapable of looking after themselves .

  14. 忠告某人不可把车开得太快。

    Advise sb . not to drive too fast .

  15. 同某人的关系仍然极度冷淡。

    Relations with somebody were still in deep freeze .

  16. 如果某人不善于详细查看事物,仅限于用一事物去和另一事物对比、解释的话,就让他去见识见识律师怎么办案子。

    If he be not apt to beat over matters , and to call up one thing to prove and illustrate another , let him study the lawyer 's cases .

  17. 他被某人激怒。

    He was irritated by a person .

  18. 如果没有绝对的必要就对某人起诉是很不明智的。

    It is very unwise to take legal action against someone unless it is absolutely necessary .

  19. 他如果发现某人有偷懒的嫌疑就会立即把那个人开除掉。

    If he happened to find a man having a spell the culprit was immediately discharged .

  20. 如果你欠某人的钱,他可以扣留你的部分薪水,除非你偿还他。

    If you owe money to a man , he may attach part of your salary unless you pay him .

  21. 这位下级行政管员急不可待地想晋升,但他知道只有待某人退休后接替其职位,才能获得晋升。

    The junior executive was impatient for promotion but knew that he would only get it by stepping into a dead man 's shoes .

  22. 亚戴尔在美国“生命科学网站上说道:“如果你是基于某人的种族来做出临床预测,那么你大部分时候都会是错的。”

    " If you make clinical predictions based on somebody 's race , you 're going to be wrong a good chunk of the time , Yudell told Live Science .

  23. 如果雇主把他们的目光从某人上的哪所大学转移开(没有随时要发生的迹象),上大学将变得不具有吸引力。

    Studying at university will only become less attractive if employers shift their focus away from where someone went to university — and there is no sign of that happening anytime soon .

  24. 那就是相信某人。信任是有风险的。

    It is putting confidence in someone.Trust is a risk .

  25. 或者,可能是为了照顾某人。

    Or , it might be about looking after someone .

  26. 在与某人见面之前,先考虑一下见面的目的。

    Before meeting someone , start thinking about the purpose of the meeting .

  27. 意思是某人说话或写作时不考虑听众或读者。

    It means someone speaks or writes without considering his listeners or readers .

  28. 伊万的座右铭是:每个人都可以成为某人的超级英雄。

    Ewan has a motto : Everyone can be a superhero to someone .

  29. 如果我们伤害了某人的感情,我们必须说"对不起"。

    If we have hurt someone 's feeling , we will have to say " sorry " .

  30. 当你和某人交谈时,你总需要在某个时候结束对话。

    When you talk with someone , you 'll need to end your conversation at some point .