
  1. 这让他的故事在道德观上和J•R•R•托尔金的作品略有差别。

    This makes his stories more morally nuanced than that of J.R.R. Tolkein .

  2. 运用基于颗粒流理论的PFC软件从细观上对裂隙岩体在无水渗流情况下裂纹的扩展进行了模拟,重点分析了不同几何位置以及加载方式下两裂纹的扩展机制。

    The crack 's propagation rule of crack rock mass is simulated by PFC software from mesoscopic without seepage .

  3. 释出CO2的反应,表观上与ACF氧化生成羟基和羧基等是平行反应。

    The reaction system pressure reaches balance at last . The reaction of producing CO2 is parallel to the formations of hydroxyl and carboxyl groups during the redox reaction of ACF .

  4. 吉姆·柯林斯:让我们首先来看看一个在价值观上持之以恒,始终坚持一个目标,同时大力推进产品升级和创新的范例。我认为这就是苹果公司(Apple)。

    Jim Collins : Let 's first of all use a current example of a kind of consistency about values , and purpose and yet tremendous evolution and creativity around the products , and I think that is Apple .

  5. 布朗和澳大利亚总理陆克文(kevinrudd)提出,不受限制的全球化越过了道德界限,破碎市场的重建应该建立在所有宗教信仰都珍视的价值观上。

    Mr Brown and Kevin Rudd , Australian Prime Minister , argued untrammelled globalisation crossed moral boundaries and the rebuilding of shattered markets should be founded on values held dear by all faiths .

  6. 在伦理观上它是指人的道德意识和自由意志。

    It refers to moral consciousness and free will in ethics .

  7. 南北国家反恐观上的主要分歧

    Main Divergences on Anti-terrorism Between the South and the North

  8. 佛教是伦理道德色彩极为浓厚的宗教,儒家文化本身就是伦理型文化,两二者在道德观上有可比之处。

    In terms of ethics , Buddhism and Confucianism can be compared .

  9. 利益观上,表现出对社会利益、集体利益的淡漠和忽视;

    Disregarding or neglecting social benefit and collective interests ;

  10. 在审美观上他注意生活的经验。

    In aesthetic standard , he emphasized life experiences .

  11. 生死观上的舍生取义。一系列伦理思想貌似分散,实则统一于生命价值这一核心精神。

    All those look dispersed but unified by the central spirit of life value .

  12. 课程价值观上,重社会、学科价值,轻个人价值;

    On the curriculum value , it emphasizes social subject , belittles the individual ;

  13. 在婚姻观上,柳亚子提出革新婚姻制度,倡导文明婚礼。

    With respect to marriage , Liu put forward to reform the marriage system .

  14. 这其中既有人类对自己大脑活动和心理活动认识上的困惑,也有人类价值观上的困惑。

    They confused about both their own brain and mental activity and human values .

  15. 指出,目前我国的大学生在竞争观上主要存在着趋利性;

    Pointing out university students of our country mainly have the profit of trending towards ;

  16. 文学本质观上的文学性强调,必然导致文本论上的形式主义倾向。

    Emphasizing " nature of literature ", will inevitably lead to the tendency to formalism .

  17. 生死观上的人类智慧&中西古代哲学关于死亡之于人生意义的比较

    The Human Wisdom of Life and Death

  18. 楚文化天人合一在建筑观上的体现

    Reflection of Chu Culture - " Sky and Human in One " on Architectural Concept

  19. 而葛兰素史克、苏格兰皇家银行、巴克莱和英国石油几家企业的真正问题也恰恰出在价值观上。

    That points to the real issue at GSK , RBS , Barclays and BP .

  20. 论文的最后一部分对于晚明文人价值观上发生这一变化的原因进行了客观的分析。

    Final part of the thesis gives an objective analysis about the reasons of the changes .

  21. 在同异观上,名墨两家相訾为少,相应居多,区别只在于对划分同异的标准等问题的看法上。

    The only difference rests on their respective views of the standard of distinguishing similarity from difference .

  22. 现代儒学应回到源头来回答现代性的意义基础问题,而不能停留在宋明理学的道统观上。

    Modern Confucianism should return its headstream to answer the problem of the signification foundation of modernity .

  23. 全球化是一个不以人的意志为转移的客观历史过程,然而在全球化进程中亦存在着西方发达国家和发展中国家之间价值观上的冲突和矛盾。

    Conflicts in value exist between developed countries and developing countries in the globalization of the world .

  24. 第三部分通过对鲁迅与朱光潜进行对比,发现了他们在诗歌文艺观上的巨大的差异与矛盾。

    Then , we find their huge differences and contradictions on poetry literary concept through comparing them .

  25. 我们从雕塑艺术的角度上来看建筑形体塑造,是试图从与建筑相邻近的艺术语言中寻求新的突破点,试图从纯净的建筑构成元素的表观上来看建筑的形体语言。

    It is an attempt to find a new breakthrough point from the neighbor art of the architecture .

  26. 刑罚价值的二元化体现了刑法价值观上突出刑法保护性的变化;

    The double - rail penalty value manifested the protection change in value view of the criminal law ;

  27. 在学习观上,认为人的学习具有建构本质、社会协商本质和参与本质;

    On viewpoint of learning , think innate characteristic of human learning is constructed , social , participated ;

  28. 在教育主体观上,变教师主体为学生主体;

    On the concept of educational subjects , it should change teachers as subjects into students as subjects .

  29. 要实现人格观上的转变,需注意多方面的问题。

    A lot of problems must be paid special attention to for the change of conception of personality .

  30. 然而,多数的研究却停留在一般的价值观上,难以被营销学有效应用。

    However , most studies are limited on the general values , which could not efficiently employ into marketing .