
  • 网络viewpoint;View Point
  1. 日出时分能从这个国家公园里著名的观景点施瓦巴克尔平台(SchwabacherLanding)看到提顿山脉诸峰。

    The peaks of the Teton Range are seen at sunrise from Schwabacher Landing , a popular viewing point .

  2. 房子和周围的自然没有边界,所以J可以从他庄园里这个极好的观景点向外眺望。

    There is really no boundary between the house and natural rounded , so J was able to look out on his bluvet state from this wonderful vantage point .

  3. 理性设计与实践&以重庆南山观景点设计为例

    Rational Design and Practice & With the Design of Nanshan Scenic Spot in Chongqing as an Example

  4. 如有经验丰富的导游指引,找准最佳观景点,游客便可在船上或飞机上看到普乌卡欧库瀑布清晰的轮廓。

    Tourists may be able to make out the falls from boats or helicopters led by experienced guides who know exactly where to look .

  5. 将近一公里长,600英尺深,在坑边有观景点但没有去坑底的路。

    Nearly a mile across and 600ft deep , there are lookout points around the crater 's edge but no hiking to the bottom .

  6. 坐落在高山上的谢拉湖,依偎在积雪与岩石的怀抱中,岩层往上是一片森林。从高出湖面约500英尺的观景点看下去,湖面微波荡漾,美不胜收。

    The view of the high Sierra Lake , nestled in the snow and rock slightly below the timber line , was beautiful from my vantagepoint some five hundred feet above its shimmering surface .

  7. 除了重建一批寺庙宫观和人文景点外,最有影响、最富魅力的建筑是规划重建中的标志性宫殿&太阳殿。

    Except for re-building a number of temples , palaces and man-made scenic spots , the most influential and charming building is the symbolic palace-the Sun Hall that is under the rebuilding planning .