- 名frontier/strategic sentry post

[sentry post] 在边境或交通要道上设置的哨所,用以执行特定任务
Pass a barrier , sentry , checkpoint , etc
It says in Afghanistan , there are about 100 such security posts .
And checkpoints will open and watchtowers will stand empty , and families long separated will finally be reunited .
Pakistan 's army says it has around 60000 security forces manning 1000 posts along the 2600-kilometer Afghan border .
But his letter was never mailed because he could not make it past Israeli checkpoints to reach the post office in Ramallah .
Officials in Afghanistan say eight Afghan security guards were killed when Taliban insurgents attacked a security post in the southern province of Helmand .
In a parking lot festooned with red Coke flags , an American dog handler barks commands at journalists being frisked by Afghan security agents .
General Abbas says NATO forces have indicated they want to create more security posts along the border - a move he said the Pakistani military would welcome .
Commanders say they are re-training all Afghan border police in eastern Afghanistan and building 165 new posts along the so-called Durand Line that serves as a de-facto border .
This system can not only be used in the construct of city roads , but also in difficult areas with power-supply lighting such as desert , mountainous region , frontier sentry , island and lighthouse .