
  • 网络Outpost
哨站 [shào zhàn]
  • [post] 由哨兵或巡逻部队警卫和巡逻的固定地方

  1. 哨站建设研究蓝图应用时已计算损耗系数。

    Wastage is now applied to Outpost construction platform blueprints .

  2. 我大部分的时间都是在一个叫雷斯特雷波的小哨站度过的。

    I spent most of my time at a small outpost called Restrepo .

  3. 这个哨站用作界标。

    The post served as a boundary marker .

  4. 州警呼叫边哨站。

    State police calling chopper one .

  5. 我有时会走近军事哨站,给自己一点安全感,不过其实没有任何地方是安全的。

    I approach military checkpoints just to give me a sense of security , but nowhere is really safe .

  6. 乔治亚岛是英国的远方哨站,位于远大西洋,是数百万海鸟和海豹的天堂。

    The remote British outpost of South Georgia Island , in the far Atlantic , is a haven for millions of seabirds and seals .

  7. 想知到这个地球最前方的太空哨站在过去发展的程度,最容易的方式是比较上面影像和先前的照片。

    The world 's foremost space outpost can be seen developing over the past several years by comparing the above image to past images .

  8. 通常,哨站会遭遇袭击。但是当时已经有几周没有袭击了。每个人都感到晕晕的又无聊又热。

    Usually , the outpost was attacked , and we hadn 't seen any combat in a couple of weeks , and everyone was just stunned with boredom and heat .

  9. 所谓的哨站就是几个胶合板搭建的兵舍。靠着山脊的一侧而建还有沙袋、掩体和火力点。那里总共有20个人隶属战地连第二排。

    It was a few plywood B-huts clinging to a side of a ridge , and sandbags , bunkers , gun positions , and there were 20 men up there of Second Platoon , Battle Company .

  10. 事实确实如此,2011年就有将近四千万人从世界各地去拉斯维加斯游玩。于是我们大胆地猜测,他们当中没有任何一个人是为了本土文化、史学意义或者自然美景而选择来到这个堕落的沙漠哨站。

    Nearly 40 million people from around the world visited Las Vegas in 2011 , and we venture to guess that not a single one of them chose this desert outpost of depravity for its authentic culture , historical significance or natural beauty .

  11. 这一区域又称为非军事区,出于防止敌人入侵的考虑,沿着缓冲带大约150英里(约241千米)长的区域两侧有常驻哨站、防御工事和边防军。

    It 's appropriately called the Demilitarized Zone , and it 's currently the most fortified international border in the world . All along each half of the roughly 150 mile line is a constant string of outposts , fortifications and garrisons protecting against any possible act of hostility .

  12. 被动传感器系统定位误差分析对于构成系统的被动传感器的选取与哨(站)配置至关重要。

    The analysis of the localization errors in a netted passive sensor system plays an important role in the selection of the passive sensors and the allocation of the posts .