
  • 网络A new Dawn
  1. 抗VEGF药物为角膜新生血管患者带来了新的曙光。

    Anti-VEGF drugs to bring a new dawn for corneal neovascularization .

  2. 黑人与白人的隔离逐渐消失,新的曙光逐渐来临。

    Segregation eventually disappeared and a new dawn seemed to arrive .

  3. AD转基因鼠的诞生为AD发病机制及治疗的研究带来了新的曙光。

    The establishment of AD transgenic mouse models brought new strategy for studies of pathogenesis and treatment of AD.

  4. 因而采取有效措施,适时适度清除不需要的,处于持续激活状态的PMN对于控制炎症反应的发展和转归至关重要,将会给SIRS、ALI和ARDS的治疗带来新的曙光。

    So to remove the unwanted , excessively activated PMNs is key to dominate the development and prognosis of inflammation , which will throw light on the therapy of SIRS , ALI and ARDS .

  5. 谷歌的退出也会给自身带来新的曙光。

    A withdrawal would also cast a new light on Google itself .

  6. 重新看到新的曙光和明亮。

    To re-see the new dawn , and bright .

  7. 现在一线新的曙光来了!

    Now a new light is shed on them .

  8. 研究人员表示,这些图像将为玛雅文明展开新的曙光。

    The researchers say the images will shed new light on the Mayan civilisation .

  9. 通货膨胀的结束给这个国家的经济带来了新的曙光。

    The new dawn of this country 's economy broke as the inflation came to an end .

  10. 近些年研究的干细胞治疗技术为它带来了新的曙光。

    In recent years , much research on stem cells treatment technology brings a new dawn for this disease .

  11. 这是我们必须帮助中东呼唤新的曙光的时候了。

    This is the moment we must help answer the call for a new dawn in the Middle East .

  12. 随着对银屑病的发病机制研究的进展和其心理疾病属性的发现,使得银屑病的治疗有了新的曙光。

    With the advance in pathological mechanism of psoriasis and the new discovery of its mental disease , the treatment has further development .

  13. 忆阻器理论提出和物理实现为细胞神经网络的发展带来了新的曙光。

    Fortunately , The theory discovering and physical implementation of memristor have brought a novel promising hope for the development of cellular neural networks .

  14. 虚拟桌面在保证用户个性化的同时,实现了便捷、统一的管理,为企业级桌面管理带来了新的曙光。

    The virtual desktop can both guarantee user 's personalization and realize facile and uniform management , which brings new future into the enterprise desktop management .

  15. “我希望今天这场争论过去以后,能为那些害怕黑夜不会结束的人们带去新的曙光。”

    Let me hope that this day and this debate heralds a new dawn for all those who feared that the dark midnight might never end .

  16. 网络的发展已经成为人类社会进步的一个标志,它让高校的思想政治教育工作看到了新的曙光和希望。

    The development of Internet has become a sign of the progress of human society , which throws hope to the college ideological and political education .

  17. 多核并行编程技术的发展,给那些受限于单核运行速度的程序带来了新的曙光,尤其对于那些有时间死限约束的实时程序。

    The development of multi-core parallel programming technology has brought the new dawn for those programs which are limited to single-core , especially for those real-time programs that have dead-line constraints .

  18. 近年来,网络技术的不断的发展,促使了计算机网络技术有了非常大的进步,进一步给全球的经济带来了新的曙光。

    In recent years , computer network technology has a very big progress , with the development of computer technology , and brings a new hope further to the global economy .

  19. 我会在几小时后完成政治任命的最后一步。我将在这个位置向国家元首展示新的曙光。

    I will put the finishing touches to the political appointments in the coming hours , and I will be in a position to present them tomorrow morning to the head of state .

  20. 温暖的夏日,梦见在那个国度她的王子正拿着强大的武器带她一起乘坐骏马来到云海,预示着将实现和拥有新的曙光。

    Dreams of warm summer days in the country or perhaps being swept up into the strong arms of her lover to ride off into a sea of clouds , towards the new dawn .

  21. 我们今天在这里举行会议之际,我们再一次宣布,巴沙尔?阿萨德政权必须下台,从而使叙利亚人民结束苦难,开始迎来新的曙光。

    And as we meet here , we again declare that the regime of Bashar al-Assad must come to an end so that the suffering of the Syrian people can stop and a new dawn can begin .

  22. 传统经济学中理性人假设一直作为研究个人偷逃税行为的基石,当完全理性的假设遭到质疑时,行为财政学尤其是前景理论的发展给研究个人偷逃税行为带来新的曙光。

    Whole-rationality hypothesis in traditional economical theory is always the basis in the research of individual tax evasion . When the hypothesis was challenged , behavioral public finance especially the prospect theory brings new lights to the individual tax evasion research .

  23. 随着现代世界交往的密切,以及全球文明格局的改观,亚洲迎来了新的曙光,越来越多的学者以向往的目光看待东方文明,包括东方艺术和美学。

    As the communication of modern world grows closely , and the change of global civilization pattern , Asia has met its new dawn , more and more scholars tend to look at oriental civilization expectantly , including oriental arts and esthetics .

  24. 特殊需要教育理念对传统的残疾、缺陷、隔离、慈善的理念进行了全面扬弃,给特殊教育事业带来了新的曙光。

    The special needs education concept has developed the good and discarded the bad comprehensively on the traditional concept of " disability " and " defects ", " isolation " and " charity ", bringing the new dawn for the special education enterprise .

  25. 客运专线的逐步建设和列车的高速运行一方面给铁路运输带来了新的曙光,另一方面列车的高速运行使得列车运行过程变得更为复杂,列车的安全隐患和不可控因素比以往更高。

    The construction of passenger-dedicated line and the high-speed of train traffic bring new light for train transportation . on the other hand , the high-speed of train cause train traffic course become more complicated , so the hidden trouble security and uncontrolled factor is higher than ever .

  26. 他认为这将为血液相关疾病带来“新的曙光”,比如艾滋病、镰状细胞贫血、血友病和乙型地中海贫血。而且,由于这项新技术,“人们距离功能性治愈艾滋病的目标越来越接近”。

    He thinks it could " bring a new dawn " to blood-related diseases such as AIDS , sickle anemia , hemophilia and beta thalassemia and that , thanks to this new technology , " the goal of a functional cure for AIDS is getting closer and closer . "

  27. 祖玛在世界艾滋病日发表的演说中提及“新时代的曙光”的来临。在艾滋病问题上,他的态度与前任塔博·姆贝基相比截然不同,后者曾质疑HIV病毒与艾滋病之间的联系。

    On World AIDS Day , Zuma spoke of " the dawn of a new era " in a speech where he took a markedly different approach from his predecessor , Thabo Mbeki , who had questioned the link between HIV and AIDS .

  28. 新时代的曙光映照着辽阔的地平线。

    The dawn of a new era illuminates the vast horizon .

  29. 腔内治疗肥胖:新纪元的曙光?

    Endoluminal treatment of obesity : the dawn of a new era ?

  30. 这个新时代的曙光正在你们的周围一点点渗透进来。

    The dawn of this new era is breaking out all around you .