
  • 网络Xinhua Village
  1. 新华村以制作银器而闻名。

    Xinhua Village is famous for it 's silverware .

  2. 云南鹤庆新华村的民族手工业,是当代中国西部民族手工业传承发展的一个典型。

    The minority handicraft at Xinhua Village of Heqing County of Yunnan Province is a typical example of minority handicraft inheritance in the west of contemporary China .

  3. 研究发现,由于女性对家庭贡献的增加及新的性别分工模式的形成,不论以客观标准还是主观标准来考察,新华村女性的家庭角色都在趋向平等。

    The conclusion is , the family role tends to be equal in Xinhua village because of the female 's contribution to family and new gender mode of work division , whether based on objectivity or subjectivity .

  4. 对区域矿产加以概述;在此基础之上对大梨树沟、红太平、新华村3个区域的成矿地质背景、重磁场特征及1/5万化探异常特征进行深入研究,最后总结了区域上的找矿前景。

    On the basis of that , the regional metallogenetic geologic setting , gravity , characteristics of magnetic field and geochemical exploration anomaly ( 1 ∶ 50 000 ) are studied in detail , finally , the ore-hunting prospect in the study area was summed up in this paper .