
  1. 新疆地貌的基本特征

    The basic geomorphologic characteristics of xinjiang , china

  2. 但随着时间的推移,在长期的写生创作实践中,通过对新疆地貌更深入的分析,逐渐形成了各自的艺术风格,有各自更善于表现的对象。

    But as time goes on , in the long-term of the sketch creation practice , through xinjiang geomorphic more in-depth analysis , gradually formed their artistic style , have their performance is better at the object .

  3. 并根据新疆构造地貌特点和气候水文条件,对这一现象的产生作了初步探讨。

    The causation of the generation of this phenomenon is studied with tectonic landform feature and climatic hydrologic condition .

  4. 它们色彩绚丽、规模宏大、形态奇特、场面壮观,构成新疆地质地貌类地质遗迹景观资源中的精品。

    The yardang is of magnificent scenery , giant-scale and strange mirages and is treasures of geoheritage landscape resources .

  5. 新疆农业地貌分类&以编制新疆1:100万农业地貌图为例

    CLASSIFICATION OF AGRICULTURAL LANDFORM IN XINJIANG ─ Taking the Mapping of Agricultural Geomorphologic Map of 1 : 1 000 000 in Xinjiang as an Example

  6. 新疆的自然地貌很有个性,也非常精彩。

    The natural landform in Xinjiang is wonderful with many characteristics .

  7. 新疆干旱封闭的地貌特征决定了生态环境的脆弱性,一旦遭到破坏,就难以恢复,有些甚至不可能恢复。

    The draught and close physiognomy characteristic of Xinjiang determined the fragile ecology environmental , if it is destroyed , then very hard to recover , and some even can not be returned the same as before .