
  • 网络Beijing Social Sciences;Social Science of Beijing
  1. 北京社会科学院的一份中国区域经济年度报告上登载了北京、天津及其周边地区经济状况之比较就是一例。

    One example is the comparison of Beijing , Tianjin and their surrounds which appeared in an annual report on regional economics in China by the Beijing Academy of Social Sciences .

  2. 发展总部经济须解决三大问题&专访北京市社会科学院中国总部经济研究中心主任赵弘

    Three Major Problems Must be Solved for Development of Headquarters Economy

  3. 北京:社会科学文献出版社。

    Beijing : Social Sciences Literature Press , 2002 .

  4. 北京市社会科学院社会学研究所铁路和谐春运课题组。

    Research Group of Railway Transport during the Spring Festival Period , Sociology Research Institute , Beijing Academy of Social Science .

  5. 北京大学社会科学院教授夏学銮说,单独的收入水平并不是决定性因素。

    Xia Xueluan , a professor in social sciences of Peking University , said income alone is not the determining factor .

  6. 在第四届中国总部经济高层论坛上,成都市锦江区被北京市社会科学院中国总部经济发展实践研究基地称号。

    In " the Fourth High-Class Forum of China Headquarters Economy ", Jinjiang is named as " the Chinese headquarters economic development practice and research base " .

  7. 一次,北京市社会科学院写信向我们征稿,他们要编一本《中国十四行诗选》,要我们寄些十四行诗去。

    Once Beijng Academy of Social Sciences wrote to us soliciting contributions , as they were going to edit a book Selected Chinese Sonnets , they wanted some sonnets from us .

  8. 在北京,中国社会科学院(chineseacademyofsocialsciences)非洲研究室主任贺文萍表示,中国同加纳的强大关系不会受到这场纠纷的影响。

    He Wenping , head of Africa research at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing , said the strong ties between China and Ghana would be little affected by the dispute .

  9. 北京市哲学社会科学北京体育赛事管理与营销研究基地

    Research Institute of Sport Events Management and Marketing in Beijing

  10. 收录论文的院系分布、载文期刊以及论文作者的情况,折射出北京师范大学社会科学学科发展的特点。

    The situation of publishing periodicals , author and department distribution refracted the development of social science in Beijing normal university .

  11. 本文来源于北京市哲学社会科学规划项目&北京市教育委员会人文社会科学研究计划重点项目课题:北京汽车及相关产业发展研究。

    The dissertation was part of the research on Beijing auto and relative industry : the project of human social science of Beijing Municipal Education Commission .

  12. 李银河,1952年生于北京,中国社会科学院社会学研究所研究员、博士生导师、美国匹兹堡大学社会学博士、北京大学社会学博士后。

    Li Yinhe , China 's first female sociologist on sex issues , was born in Beijing in 1952 . She is currently the researcher and mentor of doctorates with the Institute of Sociology at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences .

  13. 来自清华大学、北京大学、中国社会科学院及其他政府相关机构的研究人员通过共同合作得出了切实的数据,表明煤炭消耗所引起大量生态问题和对人的伤害,也是可以通过冰冷而严酷的金钱角度进行探讨的。

    Researchers from Tsinghua and Peking universities , the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and other government-affiliated bodies worked together to develop concrete figures that , according to the study , show how a broad range of ecological problems and human suffering resulting from coal consumption can be discussed in terms of cold , hard cash .