
  • 网络transport theory
  1. 得出了单根箔条RCS与相对长度之间的关系图形和近似计算公式。其次,主要研究了矢量输运理论在箔条云团RCS计算中的应用。

    Finally the relationship graph between the relative length and the RCS of single chaff is got . Secondly , the usage of vector transport theory in the RCS calculation of chaff cloud is studied .

  2. 研究了基于P3近似的空间分辨漫反射,从输运理论的PN方程组出发,导出了P3近似方程组和P3近似的格林函数解;

    The spatially resolved diffuse reflection based on P_3 approximation is studied . The equation set of the P_3 approximation and its Green function approximate solution are derived from the P_N equation set of the transport theory .

  3. 计算结果与SN、节块SN以及积分输运理论等方法进行比较,其结果符合良好。

    The numerical results are in good agreement with those of S_N , discrete nodal transport , surface flux transport and collision probability methods .

  4. 基于Boltzmann输运理论的分析表明,薄膜热导率的尺寸效应可以归结于薄膜中声子(晶格振动)的弛豫时间或平均自由程的减小。

    The analysis of Boltzmann transport theory suggests that the size effect of thermal conductivity in thin films could be attributed to the diminishing of relax time or mean free path of phonons ( lattice vibration ) in films .

  5. 依据介观物理学的基本概念、半经典电子输运理论和碳纳米管的电子结构,对非掺杂直状金属型单层碳纳米管(SWNTs)的电导特性进行理论研究,计算表明;

    According to the fundamental concept of mesoscopic physics , semi-classical electronic transport theory and the electronic structure of carbon nanotube , the conductance property of undoping metallic single-wall carbon nanotubes ( SWNTs ) was studied theoretically .

  6. 采用基于输运理论的二维离散纵标DORT程序对靶站中子导出孔道及生物屏蔽体的各种设计方案屏蔽效果进行计算分析。

    Based on the design of CSNS target station neutron beam extraction pipes and biological shielding monolith , shielding efficiency is evaluated of the different design model using the two-dimensional discrete ordinates transport code DORT .

  7. 在MIMICS森林模型的基础之上,建立了植被层和地面层组成的双层随机介质模型,应用矢量辐射输运理论(VRT)的零阶解和一阶解研究了双层植被的后向散射特性。

    Based on the Michigan Microwave Canopy Scattering ( MIMICS ) forest model , the two-layered random model composed of the vegetation and ground is established . The backscattering characteristic of two-layered vegetation is calculated by the zero-order and first-order solution of the VRT .

  8. 针对现有无序体系电子输运理论的不足,考虑了电子和声子、外场的相互作用,建立了EPF(electron-phonon-field)电子隧穿电导模型,推导了一维无序体系新的直流、交流电导公式。

    Based on the disadvantage of the former electronic conductance theory applied on the disordered system , and considering the interaction between the phonon > electric field and electron , a EPF ( Electron-Phonon-Field ) conductance model of electronic tunnel transfer is set up , and new D. C and A.

  9. 压敏电阻非线性电输运理论研究进展

    Progress in study on nonlinear electrical transporting theory of varistor

  10. 自旋堆积在交流输运理论中的引入是通过考虑交换相互作用完成的。

    Spin accumulation is included in by considering the exchange interaction effects .

  11. 第5章给出了这套自洽输运理论的具体应用。

    The fifth chapter gives the concrete applications of this self-consistent transport theory .

  12. 一种基于输运理论的多目标演化算法

    A MOP Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Transportation Theory

  13. 多体体系输运理论&反常扩散

    Transport Theory for Many-body System & Anomalous Diffusion

  14. 溅射输运理论中的经典散射截面

    Classical scattering cross section in sputtering transport theory

  15. 重离子碰撞的两体关联输运理论

    Two body Transport Theory of Heavy Ion Collisions

  16. 液氦~4He表面电子输运理论中的有效温度近似

    Effective temperature approximation in the transport theory of electrons on liquid ~ 4he surface

  17. 多组元等离子体的新经典输运理论

    Neoclassical transport theory of a multicomponent plasma

  18. 在理论分析中我们采用了输运理论的漫射近似万法。

    In the theoretical analysis , the diffusion approximation of the transport theory is used .

  19. 束流输运理论的新表述

    A new representation of beam transport theory

  20. 束流输运理论的新表述(Ⅱ)&线性力的检验

    New representation of the beam transport theory (ⅱ) check on the cases of linear forces

  21. 因此,输运理论已经成为物理和工程应用的重要课题。

    Therefore , transport theory has become a very important subject in physics and engineering applications .

  22. 同位旋相关的输运理论和中能重离子碰撞中同位旋效应研究进展

    Progress of isospin dependent transport theories and isospin effects in the heavy-ion collisions at intermediate energy

  23. 金属薄膜的量子输运理论

    Quantum transport theory in metallic films

  24. 等时量子输运理论

    Equal time Quantum Transport Theory

  25. 同时与输运理论中的扩散近似计算结果做了比较。

    Comparison of the result with that of the diffusion approximation in transport theory is also given .

  26. 同位旋相关的输运理论

    Isospin Dependent Transport Theories

  27. 与扩散理论相比,输运理论的计算结果具有更高的精度。

    Compared with diffusion theory , transport theory based kinetics methods could be used to provide higher accuracy .

  28. 应用水热共轭输运理论分析这个过程,从而可以推算出冻土导水率。

    Theory describing the coupled flow of heat and water is used to determine an apparent thermal conductivity .

  29. 中子输运理论在中子测井数值模拟中的应用及校正图版制作

    The application of neutron transport theory to the numerical simulation of neutron well-logging and the construction of correction chart

  30. 根据电子在超晶格中的输运理论及热导率实验的结论对超晶格结构进行优化。

    The superlattice structure was optimized according to electron transport theory in heterostructure and the result of 3 ω method .