
shū jīnɡ ɡuǎn jié zā shù
  • Vasectomy;vasoligation
  1. 农村输精管结扎术并发症患者临床症状与心身因素的相关性研究

    The correlative study of clinical symptom and complication in village vasoligation

  2. 输精管结扎术后老年男性性功能与认知等因素的关系

    Relationship between sexual function and cognition of elderly male after vasoligation

  3. 输精管结扎术不影响大鼠T淋巴细胞钙依赖性钾通道及IL-2(白介素-2)活性

    The Vasectomy Does Not Influence on T-lymphocyte Ca  ̄( 2 + ) - Activated K  ̄ + Channels and IL-2 Activity in Rats

  4. 输精管结扎术后精液中残余精子的能动期、生存期和存在期

    Motile , viable and existing periods for residual spermatozoa from ejaculate after vasectomy

  5. 输精管结扎术后痛性结节和附睾郁积症与抗精子抗体的关系

    Relationship between sore vasitis node , epididymal stasis and antisperm antibody after vasectomy

  6. 长期输精管结扎术后附睾的超声表现

    Ultrasonographic Changes in the Epididymis after Long-term Vasectomy

  7. 了解输精管结扎术(以下简称男扎)并发症患者临床症状程度与心身因素之间的相关性。

    Objective To study the correlation between the clinical symptom of patients with vasoligation complication and psychosomatic factors .

  8. 目的观察输精管结扎术后附睾精子和吻合术后再现精子超微结构的演变情况及其相关关系。

    Objective : To observe the sperm ultrastructure in epididymis after vasectomy and their changes in semen after vasovasostomy .

  9. 目的比较输精管结扎术后痛性结节手术治疗和非手术治疗疗效优劣。

    Objective To compare the different effect of operative and non-operative treatments in the patients with painful nodule after deferent duct ligation .

  10. 研究背景与目的:输精管结扎术是目前最有效和广泛开展的男性节育方法,常规输精管结扎和近端开放输精管结扎是其两种主要的手术方式。

    Background and Objective : Vasectomy is an effective and one of the most widely used methods of male contraception ; the conventional and open-ended vasectomies are two major surgical techniques .

  11. 目的探讨下腹正中切口兔输精管结扎术可否减少术后早期并发症。下腹正中小切口后入路修补腹股沟复发疝的疗效分析

    Objective To determine whether vasectomy , in rabbits , via a ventral midline incision could reduce early post-operational complications . Posterior approach via hypogastric midline incision in repair of recurrent inguinal hernia

  12. 输精管结扎术后4~7个月时,80%家兔附睾明显肿胀,之后伴随附睾肿胀的消退,血清抗精子抗体阳性检出率增高。

    Epididymides were markedly swollen in 80 % of the experimental rabbits 4-3 months after vasectomy , and subsidence of the swelling was usually accompanied by an increase in the incidence of positive serum antibody reaction against sperm antigen .

  13. 咨询与心语疏通应用于输精管结扎受术者的临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Counseling and Speech Therapy in Vasoligation Patients

  14. 心理干预对输精管结扎受术者心理状况的影响

    Effect of psychological intervention on the mental state of surgical patients with vasoligation

  15. 方法将108例输精管结扎受术者随机分为干预组60例,对照组48例。

    Methods A total 108 men with vasoligation waiting for operation were randomly diveded into a intervention group ( 60 cases ) and a control group ( 48 cases ) .

  16. 输精管的不切断结扎术研究

    Research Report on ligation of vas deferens without section

  17. 作者从1980年3月到1994年12月,采用四种输精管吻合法作了输精管结扎术后的88例输精管吻合。

    From March 1980 to December 1994 , 88 cases of vasovasostomy were carried out and 81 patients were followed up .