
shū qì guǎn dào
  • gas pipeline
输气管道[shū qì guǎn dào]
  1. 输气管道SCADA系统及其计算机技术

    SCADA System and Computer Technology of Gas Pipeline

  2. 冀宁输气管道穿越活动断裂的抗震分析与设计

    Seismic Analysis and Design of Ji-Ning Gas Pipeline Crossing Active Faults

  3. 马格里布&欧洲输气管道使用三层PE覆盖层系统

    Three-layer PE Coating System Used on Maghreb-Europe Line . OGST

  4. PE输气管道水平定向钻穿越在胜利油田的应用

    Application of Horizontally Directional Drilling to PE Gas Transmission Pipeline Crossing in Shengli Oilfield

  5. 利用输气管道模拟软件(TGNET)研究了2008年西气东输管道的短期调峰问题。

    Based on the West-to-East Gas Pipeline 's operation in2008 , the research on short-term peak shaving is carried out .

  6. 输气管道的硫化物应力腐蚀(SSC)问题

    Sulfide Stress Corrosion ( SSC ) Problem of Gas Transmitting Pipeline

  7. 气化器作为接收站的重要设备决定并影响着整个LNG接收站及输气管道的正常运行。

    The selection of good vaporizers as essential equipments for LNG receiving terminal is related to whether all operation works will be performed well or not .

  8. 新疆石油管理局克拉玛依至乌鲁木齐的克乌复线529×7(8)mm输油管道改为输气管道属国内首例。

    The double pipeline from Karamay to Urumqi of Xinjiang Petroleum Administration is an oil transmission line of I529 × 7 ( 8 ) mm and is the first oil pipeline transformed into gas pipeline in China .

  9. 简单介绍了X80级管线钢在国外输气管道上的应用情况。

    It briefly presents the application instance of grade X80 pipeline steel in foreign country gas transmission pipeline .

  10. 采用ColebrookWhite公式和数学计算方法,深入研究了粗糙度对输气管道摩阻系数的影响。

    By means of numerical calculations of the Colebrook-White equation , the influence of inner surface roughness on the fiction factor of gas transmission pipeline was studied in detail .

  11. 根据数学模型和相应的数值计算方法,研制了水试压后输气管道的瞬态模拟分析软件Pigging。

    Based on the mathematical model mentioned above , a software PIGGING is developed , which aims at pigging steady calculation after water pressure test .

  12. 采用项目管理技术,以P3项目管理软件为手段,对忠武输气管道工程信息管理系统进行了探索研究。

    By adopting project management techniques and P3 system software , a set of information management system has been established tentatively for Zhongxian to Wuhan gas transportation pipeline project .

  13. 为提高抑制局部腐蚀能力及综合性能,研制了GP-1输气管道缓蚀剂。

    Hence , GP-1 corrosion inhibitor is developed to control local corrosion and increase comprehensive performances .

  14. TEG即热电发生器,以天然气为燃料,可满足边远无电地区输气管道阴极保护直流用电需要。

    Thermoelectric generator ( TEG ) which is driven by natural gas can supply direct current to CP system of gas transmission pipeline in remote and no power supply district .

  15. AW-01减阻耐磨涂料在大港&沧州输气管道应用效果的检测评价

    Inspection and Appraisal of Application Results of AW-01 Resistance-reducing and Wear-resisting Coating in Dagang-Cangzhou Gas Transmission Pipeline

  16. 根据等时距GM(1,1)模型建立了不等时距GM(1,1)预测模型,该模型可应用于利用腐蚀指标的原始数据来预测以后的输气管道腐蚀情况。

    The unequal interval gray forecast GM ( 1,1 ) is established according to the equal interval gray forecast GM ( 1,1 ) model . This model can be applied to forecasting the sub-sequent corrosion status of gas pipeline through the original data of the corrosion index .

  17. 在输气管道的水力、热力计算中需要计算许多热物性参数,详细地介绍了应用BWRS方程求解各参数的方法、过程以及物性计算程序编制方法,给出了相应的计算实例。

    After analysis , example calculation and comparison , the conclusion that BWRS equation is accurate and can be applied widely in the thermo-physical property calculation of natural gas is draw .

  18. 在内腐蚀直接评价方法(ICDA)研究过程中,分析了输气管道内的流态,研究了内腐蚀检测技术,完善了评价步骤。

    During the study of Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment , the flow regime in long-distance gas pipelines was analyzed . This paper studied inspection techniques of internal corrosion , and perfected assessment steps .

  19. 简单介绍了AW-01天然气管道减阻耐磨涂料的使用情况和性能指标,并从施工工艺、涂料用量、涂层弊病原因分析等方面总结了该涂料在输气管道上的应用情况。

    The application and technical specification of AW-01 abrasion and damp resistant coatings for natural gas pipelines are introduced briefly . The application of the above-mentioned coatings on natural gas pipelines are reviewed in terms of its application technology , coating amount , reasons causing the film defects .

  20. 建立输气管道长效保护机制强化输气管道保护工作

    Establish long-effective protection mechanism and enhance protection for gas transmission pipelines

  21. 杭-宁输气管道工程定向钻穿越设计浅析

    Discussions on Directional Drilling Crossing Design in Hangzhou-Ningbo Gas Pipeline Project

  22. 输气管道挖泥船水下成沟法河流穿越

    River Crossing of Gas Pipeline with Underwater Trenching Method by Dredge

  23. 输气管道水化物堵塞的预防和处理

    Precautionary Measures to Prevent Natural Gas Hydrates in Pipe from Blocking

  24. 基于数列灰预测的输气管道腐蚀预测

    The corrosion prediction of gas pipeline based on array grey prediction

  25. 泄流状态下输气管道内检测器流场计算

    Flow field calculation of detector inside gas pipeline under drainage state

  26. 输气管道同沟埋设塑管吹光缆技术

    Technologies of Plastic Fibers Laying in One Ditch for Gas Pipelines

  27. 准噶尔盆地输气管道建设与运行管理现状

    Construction , Operation and Management of Gas Pipelines in Dzungarian Basin

  28. 输气管道高强度试压全尺寸爆破实验

    Full scale burst experiment on high pressure test of gas pipelines

  29. 陕京输气管道系统优化运行分析

    Analysis on the Optimized Operation of Shaanxi-Beijing Gas Transmission Pipeline System

  30. 国内外输气管道试压技术现状综述

    Current Status of Gas Pipeline Pressure Testing at Home and Abroad