
  • 网络central lines of track
  1. 水平地基的变形大致对称于线路中心线,斜坡地基的变形集中在下坡一侧边坡下;

    The deformation of level foundation is generally symmetric of road central line and the deformation of slope foundation is mainly concentrated on the border side of the declivity .

  2. 根据公路、铁路选线设计中裁图、折图的要求,以线路中心线为依据确定裁图边界并获取其相应数据,实现快速裁图、擦图及折图。

    By setting trimming edge according to route center line based on requirement of the high way and railway route-choosing design , the quick trimming , rubbing and folding can be realized .

  3. 由于利用ARX的库函数结合CAD图形对线路交点坐标进行计算需要绘制线路中心线,为了系统的完整性,本系统按照规范对平面图进行了绘制。

    The system draws plan graphic according to code , for the reason that it is required to draw line centerlines , when we calculate lines intersecting point coordinate using library function of ARX with graphics of CAD , both for the sake of system integrity .