
  1. 线形诱导标在带有缓和曲线的平曲线路段上的位置设置研究

    Position Setting of Linear Inducing Sign at the Plane Curve Road Section with Relaxed Curve

  2. 运用公路测量学上的切线支距法对线形诱导标在山区高速公路的设置进行了探讨。

    The setting of road shape instruction along highway in mountain area was discussed using tangent offset method in road survey .

  3. 论文首先对圆曲线路段的线形诱导标设置进行了推导:以道路中线的曲线中点为分隔点,将曲线分成两部分,并分别用方程作为表达式。

    This paper makes a deduction on the distribution of circle curve line : we have the curve central point of the central road line as the separating point , which cut the curve line into two parts , and each part was expressed by an equation respectively .