
  • 网络Line overhaul;major repair of track
  1. 铁道线路大修专家系统

    Expert system for capital repair of railway tracks

  2. 沿海繁忙重载干线50kg/m钢轨线路大修周期

    50kg / m Rail Track Renewal Cycle on the Chinese Busy and Heavy Haul Lines in Coast Region

  3. 繁忙干线大型养路机械夜间线路大修综合施工照明技术研究

    Comprehensive construction and illumination technology for major repair of busy trunk lines at night with heavy-duty maintenance machinery

  4. 跨局进行线路大修清筛施工方案的探讨与实施

    Exploration on the Construction Plan of Railway Overhaul and Ballast Screening Across More Than One Railway Administration and the Implementation

  5. 土工格栅在双西线路面大修工程中的应用

    The Application of Geogrid in Heavy Maintenance of Shuang-Xixian Asphalt Pavement

  6. 就地沥青冷再生在国道208线路面大修中的应用

    Asphalt Cold Regeneration in Federal Highway 208 Line Surface Overhaul Application

  7. 提速线路钢轨的大修周期

    Major Repair Cycles of Rails of Speed-raising Railway Lines

  8. 本论文的研究成果,对铁路科研部门完善重载线路铁路设备大修理论有一定的参考意义,对铁路大修部门整治隧道基床病害有一定的指导意义。

    The results of this research are very important to scientific research departments to improve the heavy haul railways repair theory , and can guide the railway department to repair tunnel foundation bed .

  9. 基于不同荷载作用顺序下的道床累积变形结果,研究了荷载作用顺序对累积变形的影响,为新建线路或清筛大修后的捣固程序及运营编组原则提供参考。

    Based on ballast accumulated deformation under different loading order , the effects of loading order on ballast accumulated deformation is studied in this paper , which provides the rules for packing procedure to newly-built railways or major-repaired railways with cleaned ballast and for operating organization .

  10. 钢轨急救保护器这样一件工务产品在铁道部制定的《铁路线路维修规则》、《铁路线路大修规则》中,被明确规定作为线路上的急救、维修设备,要每公里配备一套。

    In railway line maintenance criteria and rail track capital repair criteria , rail emergency protector is defined as an emergent restoring and maintenance device , and each kilometer must be equipped with one set .