
  • 网络line source
  1. 线源TEM在腾冲热水塘寻找地热的应用效果

    Effect of Application of Line Source TEM to Geothermal Exploration

  2. 推导了含有稳定因子的二阶Mur条件修正式,并以线源为例研究了稳定因子对吸收边界性能以及数值稳定性的影响。

    Taking example for line source , effects of stability factor on absorbing boundary capability and numerical stability were studied .

  3. 线源圆轨道锥束扫描三维CT重建算法

    Reconstruction Algorithm for the Circular Orbit Cone-beam Scan 3D-CT with Line-focus Source

  4. 带凹陷的弹性半空间表面作用反平面简谐线源载荷时的Green函数

    Green Function in Elastic Half Space Impacted by Out-Place Harmonic Line Source Loading at Horizontal Surface

  5. 冕洞区SiⅡ辐射线源区的相关高度

    Correlation Height of the Emission Source of Si ⅱ in a Coronal Hole Region

  6. 用MEI方法研究脉冲线源辐射问题

    Study on EM pulse radiation problems with time domain MEI method

  7. 对流边界层中公路线源扩散的Monte-Carlo法模拟

    Monte-Carlo atmospheric diffusive model and its simulation of line source in CBL

  8. 当前炮次爆破形成的爆炸应力波在已开挖围岩中的传播可以概化为Lamb线源问题。

    The propagation of the explosive stress waves in surrounding rock masses may be simplified as Lamb problem .

  9. 通过Green函数分量与排放源强的线性组合,得到了公路机动车排放为多点源、线源和面源时污染物浓度三维分布的解析解。

    By choosing appropriate sub-Green functions and source strength , three-dimensional analytical ambient concentration distributions of air pollutants from different highway vehicular emission types such as multiple point , line , and area releases are given .

  10. 然后利用Newman乘积法给出了不同地层条件下,水平井压力的线源解。

    Line source solutions of horizontal well pressure in different reservoir conditions are presented with Newman arithmetic product method .

  11. 首先,取含有任意形状凹陷的弹性半空间,在其水平表面上任意一点承受时间谐和的反平面线源荷载作用时的位移场作为Green函数。

    First , we should construct a suitable Green 's function , which is an essential solution of displacement field for an elastic half space with canyon with arbitrary shape impacted by anti-plane harmonic line source loading at horizontal surface .

  12. 首先,构造了适合本文问题的Green函数,该函数为含有圆形孔洞(可移动圆形刚柱)弹性空间中任意一点承受时间谐和的出平面线源荷载作用时位移函数的基本解。

    Firstly we construct a suitable Green 's function , which is an essential solution to the displacement field for the elastic space possessing circular cavity or moving rigid cylinder while bearing out-of-plane harmonic line source load at arbitrary point .

  13. 计算线源横断层面上扩展函数的半高宽(FWHM)。

    The full width at half maximum ( FWHM ) of the line resource spread function in transaxial slices was calculated .

  14. 基于二次插值的线源可控源有限元数值模拟可控源音频大地电磁二维OCCAM反演研究

    Finite Element Numerical Simulation on Line Controlled Source Based on Quadratic Interpolation 2-D CSAMT OCCAM Inversion Research

  15. 计算有、无衰减校正时线源扩展函数的半高宽(FWHM)及线源峰值计数。

    The full width at half maximum ( FWHM ) of the line resource spread function and the peek pixel counts of the line resource were calculated with and without AC.

  16. 通过对~(153)Gd扫描线源穿透衰减校正装置的模型和临床实验。

    Study on improving image quality with transmission attenuation correction [ OBJECTIVE ] A ~ ( 153 ) Gd scanning line source transmission attenuation correction system ( TAC ) of SPECT was evaluated with phantoms and patients .

  17. 用某高速公路两侧实测的NOx浓度、气象条件和交通量对建立的公路线源机动车污染物排放强度公式验证分析,表明有良好的可靠性。

    Finally , the reliability analysis of the vehicular emission rates , which was based on monitored pollutant concentrations , meteorological conditions and traffic fleet compositions on an existing express highway , shows that it has a good relationship between calculated and observed results .

  18. 本文以二维半无限空间内压缩线源激发的P-SV波为对象,讨论了求解具有间断系数的二维弹性波方程组初边值问题的几种分步方法。

    Some methods of fractional steps for solving initial-boundary problems of two dimensional elastic wave equations which describe the P-SV wave propagation generated by linear compressional source in the 2-D hemi-indefinite space with discontinuous coefficients are discussed .

  19. 为此,将上述点源FDK近似原理拓展到线源情况,推导了线源圆轨道锥束扫描3D-CT重建算法。

    So the FDK approximation principle of the point-focus X-ray source is extended to line-focus X-ray sources . An algorithm for the reconstruction of circular orbit cone-beam scan to the line-focus X-ray source was deduced .

  20. 简述了Moyer模式的提出、发展及完善过程,给出了Moyer模式三参数的实验确定方法,叙述了利用Moyer模式计算类点源及无限均匀线源的屏蔽方法。

    Suggestion , development and perfection of Moyer model are described . The methods of experimental determination of Ho ( Ep ),β and λ are given . Application of Moyer model for calculation of transverse shielding of point-line sources and infinite uniform line sources are represented .

  21. 计算线源响应的广义反射透射系数矩阵方法

    A generalized reflection-transmission coefficient matrix for the solution of line source

  22. 一种线源扩散模型的建立及算法实现

    Development and Arithmetic Achievement of a Linear Pollution Source Dispersion Model

  23. 基于共轭梯度法的垂直有限线源三维电阻率反演

    3D resistivity inversion of vertical finite line source using conjugate gradients

  24. 线源二维瞬变电磁场的正演计算新方法

    Forward modeling method of 2D transient electromagnetic field induced by line source

  25. 线源金属原子蒸气发生装置的研制

    Manufacture and Research of the Linear-source Metal Atom Evaporation Device

  26. 利用周期白光线源的光学图象相减

    Optical image subtraction by using periodic white light linear sources

  27. 线源时间域电测深全期全区视电阻率求解

    Computation of whole-time zone apparent resistivity from linear source time domain soundings

  28. 计算线源声参量阵辐射场的新方法

    A new method for calculating radiation from parametric line array

  29. 公路线源大气污染扩散模式的应用分析

    Application and Analysis of Road Linear Pollution Source Dispersion Model

  30. 线源激励二维理想导体角反射器辐射场严格解

    Rigorous Solution of the Electromagnetic Radiated Field of a Two dimensional Perfectly