
  1. 注拉吹的缺点是不易加手柄,注塑模具昂贵,而且交货期长。

    The disadvantages of injection stretch blow moulding is difficult to add handle and expensive preform mould , which has a long delivery time .

  2. 并由于9个失效案例都发生在360℃以下服役的管道上,表明管道上原有的高硬度马氏体组织在较低温度下不易加火软化。

    Moreover , the failure of all 9 failure cases took place in the pipeline in service at temperature of 360 ℃ or lower , because the original martensite in hardened material can not be tempered completely at the lower temperature operation condition .

  3. DNA是生物体的基本遗传物质,一些化学物质易与其形成加合物。因DNA加合物能够反映化学污染物与DNA的作用情况,因此可以用作生物标志物来评价和预测污染物的潜在致癌性。

    DNA is the basic genetic material of organism , the interaction of some chemicals and DNA make the formation of DNA adducts , which can evaluate and predict potential carcinogenicity of pollutants because of reflecting the interaction condition between chemical pollutants and DNA .

  4. 低碳铅硫复合易切钢加铅工艺的优化

    Optimizing the Lead Adding Process of Low-Carbon Pb-S Compound Free - Cutting Steel

  5. HTML易学易用,再加上浏览器的查看源代码功能,引发了Web令人瞠目结舌的迅速普及。

    HTML 's ease of learning and the view source capability for browsers has bootstrapped the Web 's popularity in an amazing way .

  6. 通过计算两者和DNA作用的结合常数,发现异丙威的水解产物与DNA的结合常数更大,即更易和DNA形成加合物而损伤DNA。

    Through calculating the two binding constant , we found the binding constant of hydrolysis product was larger , suggesting that the hydrolysis product binded to DNA easily than isoprocarb .

  7. 由于兰盖克语法理论是一种全新的理论,不易读懂,再加上传入我国的时间不长,目前国内对兰盖克语法研究还处于引进和消化阶段,所取得的研究成果比较贫乏。

    Because cognitive grammar is a new theory and is difficult to understand , the research on cognitive grammar in China is still initial and the achievement is poor .

  8. 在平面磨床磨削接触面积小的工件,磁力不易吸住,必须加挡块。

    When a surface grinder abrasives a work-piece with a smaller contact area , a block should be added to fix the work-piece in addition to the magnetic force .

  9. 但随着技术的进步,现有的射频通信手段开始显露其五项主要的不足之处:带宽有限、易暴露目标、加解密工作复杂、频道管理严格、容易受到电磁干扰。

    But with the progress of technology , the existing radio frequency communication had shown five major disadvantages : limited bandwidth , easy to reveal , and the complex decryption , strict channel management , susceptible to electromagnetic interference .

  10. 杭州湾跨海大桥在极其复杂的海洋环境下施工,外露钢筋极易腐蚀,锌加钢筋能提高钢筋的抗腐蚀能力,本文简介锌加防腐钢筋在大桥施工中的应用情况。

    Hangzhou Bay Sea-crossing bridge project is a project that is complicated marine environment , the exterior reinforcing steel bar is easy corrupted , this paper simple describes the ZINGA on corrosion resistance reinforcing steel bar in construction of the bridge .

  11. 砖茶含鞣酸多,刺激肠胃蠕动加快消化,单喝极易饥饿,必须加酥油或牛奶,酥油茶因具有极高的热量,能消除寒气补充人体所需的热量,是香格里拉地区最好的饮料。

    Containing tannin acid , brick tea stimulates the secretion of gastric acid which fastens the process of digestion . It has to go with ghee or milk to allay hunger . Its high calorie can provide enough power man needs as the most favorable drink in Shangri-La .

  12. 其中对照组予以口服易蒙停止泻,中西医治疗组予以易蒙停加我科自拟中药组方扶正止泻汤治疗。

    In which oral administration of the control group to be easy to Mongolia to stop the plunge in Chinese and Western medicine treatment group to be easy to Mongolia to stop the proposed increase , I Bureau since Medicines side Fuzheng antidiarrheal decoction .