
yì jīn jīnɡ
  • Yi Jin Jing;change your bone
  1. 《易筋经》的作者、主要版本及其内容流变

    The Author , Main Version and Contents Rheological of " change your bone "

  2. 和尚&赤岭是什麽易筋经?

    Monk & chiling what is yijinjing ?

  3. 练习新编前后健身气功·易筋经对自主神经系统的影响

    Influences of traditional and newly compiled Health Qigong Yi Jin Jing on automatic nerve system

  4. 健身气功易筋经延缓中老年人智能老化的研究

    A research on Health Qigong-Yi Jin Jing for slowing down intelligence decline of the aged

  5. 健身气功·易筋经改变亚健康人群免疫功能的影响和机理研究

    Fitness Qigong Yi Jinjing Changes the Asian Healthy Crowd Immunologic Function the Influence and the Mechanism Studies

  6. 通过易筋经的锻炼确实能变易筋骨、强壮内腑。

    However , practicing sinew changing technique can really improve the bones and tendons , strengthen the organs .

  7. 健身气功·易筋经对神经根型颈椎病的干预和机理研究

    Fitness Qigong Yi Jinjing the Intervention Which and the Mechanism Research Gets Sick to the Nerve Root Cervical Vertebra

  8. 传统和精编健身气功·易筋经对自主神经系统的影响及表面肌电研究

    The Effect of Autonomic Nervous System Adjustment between Traditional and New " Health Qigong Yijinjing " and sEMG Research

  9. 认为易筋经是指通过一些特定的方法来锻炼身体、增强功能。

    It is argued that sinew changing technique refers to some specific exercise used to train the body and enhance the body ;

  10. 通过练功,分析易筋经对脑卒中偏瘫患者心理情感的影响。

    Through out the training , analyze the influence of Yi jinjing to the patients of stroke hemiplegia in psychological feeling . 3 .

  11. 宋朝年间,岳飞的师傅周侗得到《易筋经》,将它传于岳飞。

    During the Song Dynasty , Yue Fei 's teacher master Zhou Tong accidentally got , and he gave it to Yue Fei .

  12. 健身气功·新编易筋经治疗腰椎间盘突出症下腰痛的研究

    The Effect on Low Back Pain Caused by Lumbar Disc Herniation with Health Qigong · Yijinjing ( Muscle Tendon Changing Classic Qigong ) Exercise Treatment

  13. 易筋经是我国古代流传下来,又经国家健身气功管理中心新编的四套健身气功之一,也是传统体育疗法的一种。

    Yi jinjing is one of traditional athletic therapies in our country from the ancient times . It is also one of four new-edited health-care qigongs of National health-care qigong management center .

  14. 研究内容与目标:1.练习三个月健身气功易筋经前后评价脑卒中偏瘫患者的平衡能力、上下肢运动功能的康复效果。

    Exercise the three-month health-care qigong & Yi jinjing , evaluate the rehabilitation efficacy of patients in stroke hemiplegia before and after the training in balance function and the motor function of upper and lower limb . 2 .